Saturday, September 3, 2011

Restful Bliss!!!

Sorry! Another dog picture (just one more). I can't help it!!!! It is Saturday and I should be either 1. doing my bike session or 2. packing for the trip. Instead I am 3. wondering how mad Dave will be if I bring Wilbur home for the weekend to hang with us and forming a new weekend plan. My taper brain is going hay-wire.

(supposedly...allegedly...there is already and adoption application on Wilbur. Of course! He is the sweetest dern dog I have ever met! I am excited for him, but I started to become all mom-like when I heard about it. "Who is this person? I want to meet him. I want to check him out. I think Wilbur wants to be with his sister and they should be adopted together. Wilbur, do you want to go with this guy? Maybe I will get his address and do periodic stalking to make sure you are okay." It is just that Wilbur was in such bad shape and so scared when I first saw him. I don't ever want him to experience that again.)
Focus, focus Damie! I LOVE that we have a 3 day weekend. I feel hardly any stress at all. I have plenty of time to pack, and coupled with minimal workouts, I have time to just hang. I haven't had days of NOTHINGNESS in so long. Where did the worry go? I am normally such a stressed person, yet here I am lying in bed in my nightclothes doing nothing. Amazing what rest and chillin' can do for you! I slept in (well, till 6am, but that counts) every single day this week except for 1 early morning. I feel revived!

I sometimes wonder how I made it through all of those horrible early wake-up alarms...the longggg days at work...the weekends of no recovery because it was so hot I had to wake up before the sun as well. But, I did it- and I would and will do it again in a heartbeat!

Okay. So, I am focused again. In this order. 1. Do bike workout. 2. Work on packing. 3. Plot a Wilbur weekend.

Afternoon Edit:
Look who came over for some social time? I feel 100% better. I now feel at peace that everything will work out just fine for him.

But, so much for all of that extra energy I had earlier in the day. The dogs wore me out. Note to self: do not start planning extra things just because you are feeling spiffy!
Bike Ride: accomplished
Play Date With Wilbur: accomplished
Packing: Delayed until further notice or increased intake of food


GoBigGreen said...

I love that head tilt of Wibur's:) Yay! I kinda forgot ihave to do an IM pretty soon, lol talk about relaxed.

Angela and David said...

Have a great trip and kick ass. Wilbur will be just fine, mom.