Saturday, September 24, 2011

Rest and Debrief

**I want to give a shout out to STEVE COLE- my teammate and swim partner. He is the ONLY 11 time Xterra Regional Champ in history, and he just won his age group at the Xterra USA Championship. Awesome.**

Most of the time I do not want to return home from vacation, but I must say that I am actually enjoying my time back home just being me. I have finally had a chance to talk to most of my friends about the race, debrief a little bit with Tim, and just be my normal, post-race self.

I have had a lot of time to reflect on the race. I enjoyed the race so much and thought the day was incredible. I did have some mixed feelings about the bike after the race. But, when I had time to sit down and actually look at the results, I realized that I did have a good race. I tend to discuss the negative and shove the positive away in a dark corner as if it doesn't matter. It is really a personality fault of mine, and I have done that all of my life. I can win a soccer game, and complain that I messed up one play. Too negative! I am trying to stop that, so, here is the positive, out to shine...

I was one of the only people in my AG to actually get faster on the bike from the 2nd to 3rd sections, and I had the 4th fastest bike split in the 3rd section in the AG. I can take away the fact that as the race went on, I got better. That is great! While everyone else was slowing, only myself and one other girl were getting faster. I started to learn how to ride the course, and my endurance was starting to really shine. I still have a lot to learn and many areas for improvement, but that is GOOD! If I left the day with no way to improve, that would be bad. That would mean I had reached the end of my development.

On top of that, my time would have awarded me 1st-5th place in any other age group. Except 30-34. For this race, 30-34 was stacked, which I think is awesome. I was the first American woman finisher, but this American wants to learn to race like the Europeans! Light years beyond me! It is motivational.

So, with Wales behind me, I am now looking forward to perhaps some half-marathon training. I ran for 1 hour today with no problems (except that I gained 4 pounds over the past two weeks and I was out of breath at zone 2....). Dave just asked if I want to go get margaritas, and I said yes! Tomorrow is my sister's baby shower, which means more margaritas and cake! Looks like those 4+ pounds are going to be hanging around just a little bit longer.

So here are some post-IMWales pictures... a little tour of England.

Hanging with the Windsor natives...
A fantastic sign at White Hart Lane- it is about glory...
These were the best seats we have ever had in our lives. Too bad Liverpool had their worst game in 7 years...
Liverpool vs Tottenham. For 90 minutes, I was really, really missing being a soccer player. Dave was proud to say that I am the only female that he knows from here that has been to 3 EPL games. I was proud to see how Dave was able to talk football with all of the locals- he knew just as much as the Brits- every player, every team, ever trade. He is actually watching EPL right now as I type...
Our German travel partners, Hein and Christine. On this night, we celebrated with them their 33 years of marriage...
One of our favorite bars in Stratford: The Dirty Duck. After watching A Midummer Night's Dream at the Royal Shakespeare Academy, we found the actors' bar, and then gawked all night...
The day after the ironman and my first castle...
Several days after ironman, and my favorite castle. Notice how I am always wearing Los Locos gear? Well, I was so busy packing race-wear, I completely forgot to pack street clothes. I wore the same clothes over and over and had to wash my underclothes in the sink. Classy.
Yes, a little immature. I thought this was funny, especially after someone highly recommended we go visit the Brass Rubbing Center. If you look closely, you can see that I am starting to swell up. I had very little post race problems or fatigue, but then 2 days later, I had so much fluid retention you could not even see my knees or ankles.
A beer and a pub...

looks like I was on a roll in the UK! :)


ADC said...

Totally bummed that I didn't get to meet you but if you are racing in the UK or Europe again we must try and meet.

Angela and David said...

All that beer is great for recovering. Looks like you had such a great trip. Isn't it great (but also frustrating at times) how stacked our AG is.

GoBigGreen said...

Ha you are funny, you look all coy and devilish in that last picture. I havent had the guts to get on the scale, easier that way:)