Friday, September 30, 2011

In Order

My little sister, Rebekah, is now is 5-ish weeks away from delivering my nephew, Nathaniel, to me. I am excited to say that her 3rd trimester hormones are much better than her 2nd trimester hormones (she hates it what I say that- don't ever tell a pregnant woman she is hormonal). We have been spending a lot of fun time together and having some good talks these past few weeks.

I decided post ironman that I am getting EVERYTHING in order in my life. I am getting every little penny a place in the budget. I am doing every single CEU so I can keep my physical therapy and counseling licenses. I am getting the yearly termite check set up and getting estimates on replacing the roof. And...I am cleaning out my closets.

Rebekah- aka Bookie- won't let me do this alone. She is the queen of cute, and I am the maid of drab. She bullied her way into my closet-cleaning and made my try on every single piece of clothing in my closet. I would say my clothes have a retention rate of 30% when my sister is involved. I don't understand why I can't keep certain clothes from college. So they are 15 years old and should be worn by a teenager? What, that is not me?

So we had 4 piles: keep, alter, give away, and then the costume pile (which I made up because I just can't bear to part with some things. I mean, I can make a costume out of that dress that is way too short, right?) Bookie does not agree with the costume pile, but I make one anyways.
Here is a beautiful example of a dress that has been in my closet for too long. The hot pink sports bra is a great look with it, I think. Guess which pile it went in? I said keep, because it is fun. Bookie said give away because it belongs at a high school dance. I tried to negotiate with the costume pile. I mean...can't we turn this into something? It ended up in the give away bag. You don't win much when going up against a pregnant woman.

The pregnant, clothing queen on her royal perch, forcing me to try on every item of clothing. My supposed best friends, Rooney and Cayenne, seemed to be on her side of every clothing decision.

So far I have only completed the closet and I have 3 huge garbage bags of clothes and shoes. My closet is only about 5 x2 feet. Yikes!!!!! I told you Bookie is strict!

I did find something to wear to my sister's baby shower the next day. No more complaining that I don't have any clothes.

And how did I reward my sister for her clothing expertise? She asked me to come with her to Baptism class next Sunday since Jon cannot go. And, you know what came out of my mouth? Seriously. I said, "But the Hawaii Ironman is going on right around that time. I might miss the finish!"

I backtracked quickly....awaiting a full lashing. But, like I said, 3rd trimester hormones are much, much better so I was safe. I am going to Baptism class, and she hasn't said a word about how I almost chose to watch a triathlon over saving her son's soul. Ha ha ha!!!! :))))))

(but can we move class to a different time? :)

***Edit! Julia just saved me. I got my dates all mixed up and now I can do it all! Whoo hooo!!!!! The 8th is on Saturday!


GoBigGreen said...

wait isnt kona on saturday:)??
I am so impressed, and love that the dogs are lying in your clothing, classic. When we were high schoolers my friend and i would trade clothing, i am not sure she got much from me, but i sure got some good stuff!

runningyankee said...

triathlon over soul saving. love it. oh and can you send her my way? i surely have some of those monster sized "indian knit" wool sweaters that were all the race in the late 90s...

cheryl said...

can i borrow your sister to help me clean out my closets?

Laura said...

Oh my gosh, send her my way. I am in desperate need of a clothing consultant too. Maybe she can do it over skype, I mean, she's not going to be busy or anything over the next few months! ;)

Joy said...

I need to keep her away from my closet. It would be too embarrassing! But i do love the costume category to justify the crazy outfits I need to keep. :)

Anne-Marie said...

I want to put my name on the list of peeps to borrow your sister for closet-cleaning help! :)

I am guilty of the "costume" pile too... glad I'm not the only one!

Angela and David said...

You are too funny. You want to bring that "git er done" attitude up here and knock of some of the items on my list.