Saturday, September 10, 2011

Here we go!

Wales has been an absolute blast so far- one of my favorite trips ever. I have tons of stories already, and I am a step away from being deported, but more on that later. I have made tons of friends from other countries, and this is just such a different experience from my other races.

Everyone always thinks their race is super hard, but the reality belongs to me alone. So I have made a promise to myself- no complaining-only embracing. I am so excited to take on this challenge, and I know it will be such an amazing accomplishment.

Some interesting and odd things planned for tomorrow.

- the swim venue was changed due to chop, thus resulting in approx 1 mile transition through the city. Kind of cool!
- bike special needs is at mile 72 or so, and you get off of your bike to go find it.
- there is just one big changing room with everyone's bags on racks. Males and females all together.
- Dave gives me my special needs bag on the run. Not really sure if this has to happen at the half way point or not?

There are just so many other weird quirks with this race, but I think that lends itself to an even more unique experience.

Time to rest and prepare! See you on the other side!


Charisa said...

Congrats on your race!! I didn't want to mess up your race, so didn't hang around to chat on the bike. I was at the finish when you ran through also - very cool race! I'm racing Henley next week, so I was just out checking out the course :) Glad you had fun!! Enjoy Wales!!! Awesome job yesterday!

GoBigGreen said...

hey you! I cant wait to compare battle stories.
Drop me an email when you get back. hope you are doing great, and gettting some R and R!!!