Thursday, August 25, 2011

Still Going

Dave got a good one in this morning. I didn't jump up with the alarm and just kind of rolled over and told him not to worry about it. He said something to the effect of "oh, that's right. I guess this is the end of training."

Ahhh! No it is not! I had a tempo run this morning before work. With that nice little zinger I jumped out of bed and hit the road. Touche, Dave.

But maybe I am relaxing just slightly. Caroline decided we needed to get together and do something that was non-training related. On a weekday night. And I said yes.

I have blogged and bragged about Caroline in previous posts. She is such an amazing athlete and definitely one of the fastest runners in the city. She makes an amazing training partner (I don't have as much to give back. I just show up and watch her and Rachel run off in the distance). More importantly, she is just a beautiful person, good friend, and amazing life force.

I consider last night part of ironman training because it was "mental training." We talked about my idea for a successful ironman, positive things from the year as a whole, and how to block out the "town criers." I left dinner feeling so happy I was almost giddy. (or was that the margarita?) Seriously, I was smiling ear to ear after such a lovely time with another athlete that just gets it. If you don't have a friend like Caroline, I suggest you get one immediately. They are imperative to helping you feel great, staying focused, and remaining positive. Happy training!


Laura said...

On my to do list: Order friend like Caroline. :)

I think Dave is one of your greatest training partners. Although he doesn't technically train with you.

GoBigGreen said...

Yay! I have a fun party tonight, it will be good to be with people that have no idea what i am about to do:)
Hang in there:) taper is soon!