Wednesday, August 17, 2011

It Takes A Village

It takes a village to raise an ironman triathlete. Or, it takes a village to raise the local idiot ironman In the past few weeks, I have had more teammates and friends come to my rescue or save me from my own destruction.
  • Stuck in the middle of a storm? (It said 30% chance at 9am....not my fault). I didn't even have to ask my husband to come pick me up. He actually got in the car and came looking for me.
  • Need a cup of coffee while you are soaked to the bone and fearing for your life on flooded streets in the middle of a storm? Just go to Alisha and Brandon's house and disrupt them on their way to work. Nothing like a teammate showing up unannounced for a pit stop :)
  • Left your pump and lights in the trunk of your car...which was left at the shop? Just call Curt Arthur late at night and then show up at his house at 5:30am. Problem solved.
  • Killed your ipod because you run too much and it is too humid? Just complain about how broke you are at Bookclub and tell everyone about your Ipod woes, and Heather Cooley will give you one of her ipods.
  • Killed your Garmin as well and you are too mad to pay the $$$ to send it in when it shouldn't break in the first place? Who needs HR data, right? After is the only thing you use! Aghhh!!!! Gina will come rescue your thrifty butt and just let you borrow hers.
  • Don't know how you are going to hydrate during your 3 hour run? Alyson will provide a cooler full of ice and water and have it waiting for you on the route.
  • Accidentally end your 3 hour run about 7 miles from your house? Hey! Private taxi! Just call Alyson again and tell you her are stranded- your chariot will be there shortly!
  • No glue on your race wheels? Tom has an extra set for you. While he is at it, he has a rear water bottle cage for you as well.
  • Need some calories but still can't eat solid foods? Jeff and Wendy will buy you a little frozen treat at the end of a race as if you were their own child.
  • Nothing to wear for your ironman? Joy will send you her new, expensive wetsuit and a tri suit. No problem!
  • Mid ride and out of calories? Just raid Lesley Brainard's pantry. Powerbar, Coke, 2 bottles of Gatorade, ice and water...anything to get you back on the road!
Thank you so much to all of my friends that help me make it happen. I am sure I am leaving some good folks out. Within the past few weeks I have had so many things break or well as a few poor planning moments of my own to add to the fun. Triathlon is such a great sport- and I love my team and our little village. Thanks for taking care of me!


cheryl said...

You have picked great friends!

Angela and David said...

You have a lot of great friends! That speaks volumes about you as a person.

Laura said...

I miss that village! And you Damie.

aly said...

love you chica...I know you would do the same for me!

ali said...

You are not going to know what to do with yourself after this race:))!!