Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Couch Night

I am at home being very non-triathlety tonight. I am on the couch, watching....TV!

(does anyone else ever think of Billy Madison when they hear the word couch? C-O-R- are you going to the mall today?)

It is hard for me to believe that people do this every night (ahem, my husband). Just sitting here is hard. I feel like I should be doing a million other things.

The dogs have told me otherwise. They have cornered me on the couch and sandwiched me.

So I have obliged.

I watched an old Sex In The City episode- the one where Samantha throws an I'm not having a baby shower. Crack me up. I love that show.

By the way, my Sex In The City character, according to the online quiz, is part Carrie and part Charlotte. Charlotte? I didn't see that one coming.

I will end this post by embarrassingly admitting that I just actually laughed, more than once, at Keeping Up With The Kardashians. How can you not laugh at Kris and Bruce? They make the show.

Okay, this is why I don't watch TV. My channel selection resembles my reading genre selection. Trash.

Off to bed! :)


runningyankee said...

hahah i love trashy tv. i seem to not be able to turn off "toddlers and tiara's". its like a little hot mess.

GoBigGreen said...

Ok you need to add The Millionaire Matchmaker to your Bravo lineup, now your life is complete.