Sunday, July 31, 2011

Just Training

In cleaning up my unfinished posts, I deleted today's post. Oops! I wouldn't even know how to start rewriting it, and my brain has already moved on. Quick synopsis:

Everyone is racing these days. Not me...just training. I do think I will try to throw down one more small race before ironman, though.

Training is going well. My week looked something like this: T-pace swims, a double run, a mid-week long bike, a treadmill 10 miler (shoot me now), a long bike/brick, and a long run. Most things are at a low HR, so they are pretty easy to complete and have quick recovery times. A few of the runs have a little more pace to them than earlier in the year, but nothing crushing. I felt pretty tired at the beginning of the week trying to juggle work, training, and recovery. But now, even after a long weekend, I feel great and ready for the next session. My body is happy and recovering well from each session.

The highlight of the week for me was totaling 47 weekly run miles. I have not seen that number since 2007.

The lowlight of the week for me was....I can't really think of one. Maybe just feeling a little isolated from the triathlon/running community. 95% of my training is solo (mainly out of necessity with work), and I have not done a local 5k or sprint tri this entire year. But really, it is no big deal. I am pretty focused on my training, and I don't mind sacrificing the little things like the races. Hugs to Alisha and Brandon for keeping me company and planning out the long ride for me this weekend.
Damie and Alisha- dinner and drinks after a day of ironman training. Nothing better!

I am not burned out. I feel great. I am really just ready to race. I have all kinds of little details to start working on: I need a new tire on my race wheel, my Garmin died, I need a spare tubular prepped for the race, I need to figure out the bike box thingy (I have never traveled with a bike), I need to figure out what shoes to wear for the race, I lost my sunglasses, etc, etc....

And that is it!!! Time to get everything ready for the work week!

1 comment:

Angela and David said...

Sounds like you are in a great place. If the training feels easy you are doing something right. Well, not easy, but you know what I mean.