Sunday, July 10, 2011

A good weekend:
  • 106ish mile ride Sat. Becoming a no-brainer, even when I am tired.
  • New haircut. I think my head now weighs about 1 pound less. I even let the girl blow-dry my hair and style it, which made my sister and mom proud. I am generally too cheap and could really care less about the way my hair looks, so this was a big deal.
  • Celebrated with Dave the eradication of our student loans with a nice dinner. (ironic, eh? to work so hard to pay off debt and then spend a lot of money on food and alcohol).
  • Woke up to the grand finale of my favorite triathlete Andreas Raelert crushing the iron distance at Roth.
  • 2.5 hour run in the 101 heat index of Memphis. I have let go of pace and embraced the happiness that can be found in running strong and long.
  • Survived cardiac arrest with the USA-Brazil game. Shed a tear or two for one of the most amazing team comebacks I have ever had the privilege to watch. I am happy to see that fairness (of which is so limited in this world) actualized today.
I am waiting too long to post during the week, and by the time I sit down to write I have one million different topics. I keep telling myself I will post on something other than training and racing. I often wonder, do people know I actually work? I will post about work at some point, but work is actually pretty stressful, and I don't think I want to re-create that emotion on such a nice Sunday. Pediatric physical therapy is about 10x harder than any workout I ever do. I always have to bring my A game to work, physically, mentally, and emotionally. And unlike training, there are no endorphins released in my body from work.

This upcoming weekend is Racine 70.3. I would like to tell you my goals, but I haven't made any. And come to think of it, I can't tell you my goals from any of my other races because I didn't make any for them as well. Oh wait- I did make one for Rock N Roll to swim freestyle the whole time without panicking. How embarrassing. My only concrete goal for a race this year has been to swim freestyle for an entire swim. Lovely. I need someone to invent a machine where you upload your trainingpeaks, input your upcoming race, and answer a few subjective questions. In return, it provides you realistic and measurable goals for your upcoming race. :)


Anonymous said...

I am already cheering you on! SO PROUD!

here is a calculator that works:

Jennifer Harrison said...

OH DAMIE, good luck at RACINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :))) GO GO GO!