Thursday, June 9, 2011

Just wanted to give a shout out to my dogs because they rock. Last night, Dave dubbed this time in our life as the "Roo Years." He said we will always look back at this time in our lives and think of Rooney. So true. He permeates everything we do.

Not that we don't love Cayenne as much- she is our baby girl. But, like I imagine children to be, they are just so different. Rooney is my protector, buddy, worker, household rock. Cayenne is a total moocher and goof. :)

Here is a picture from last week of Rooney, me, and Cayenne. I can't ever seem to get a good one of the three of us- no one will look at the camera, and just when I get everyone in place, a squirrel or ball or something fun will catch their attention.

So this morning I woke up early to go run. I made sure to give myself enough time to eat a tiny bit and let my body wake up. True to character, Cayenne jumps in my lap while I am sitting at the computer desk and mooches as much snuggle time as possible. Gotta love the 45pound lap dog.

As I left the house to go run, a neighbor of mine (a male) came up to talk to me in the street. Rooney, ever vigilant, could hear the guy approach me, even though he couldn't see a thing from inside the house. He went crazy with his protective warning barks. He always has my back. Gosh I love that dog.

1 comment:

Angela and David said...

What an awesome dog! And congrats on the great half! I am getting caught up after a few weeks of being internet-less.