Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Beyond The Myth

I am not done with my animal postings... I just try to give you guys a break from time to time. :) I mean, I am still seeing tons of dogs on my bike rides. About 7 weeks ago I found a completely starved pit bull in the hood (could see every bone)- he was hiding in a pile of trash. I rode my bike to the store, got him some food, and came back for him. I was able to get close enough to him to give him some food. I am not scared of these dogs- he was not growling or trying to hurt me- he was sick and hurt and scared of me!!!! I tried to call every agency I could reach, but it was a weekend, and no one answered. I waited with him for a while, but realized...until I went home and got my car, there was nothing I could do. I knew Dave was going to absolutely freak out. I mean- if I can't provide a home for Shelby Angel, I can't bring in another dog. I know the limits of our house.

When I saw Dave, of course the tears just poured out. I can break a bone with no whimpering, but if I see an animal suffering, crying is the only thing I can do. I blathered on and on about the dog, and "can we please go give him some food. Please just come see him." Dave- AWESOME HUSBAND, BFF FOR LIFE- drove me back to the dog. We never found him again. :( I searched for a few weeks and left food for him regularly. And then the floods came....and who knows if he made it. know, a couple of weeks later Ali, Joel, and I were riding and found a puppy that had been dumped on the side of the road with a bag of food and a "good luck to ya." Really!!! WTF!!! What is wrong with people. So, we were able to get some help on this one, and hopefully the little guy got to a safe place. The thing is, you never know if you do enough. You can only do what you can do in the moment on your bike, and then you hope you did the very best you could. Thank you to Ali and Joel- they were so kind and really have a sense compassion for animals.

So, just two little stories. Huge impact on my life. Do animals make an impact on yours? If you open your hearts and minds, animals can help you be a more loving, kind, and caring person. Can you adopt just one dog- open your home and make a lifelong friend? You might think I have had dogs my whole life, and that I am a "dog person." Not true. I found Rooney, my first dog ever, at age 28. And Dave and I will both testify- he has changed our lives forever. The day we lose Rooney will be one of the worst days of our lives...but the love he gives us every single minute of the day is priceless. If you haven't experienced it and can manage it in your home, adopt a dog.

I encourage everyone in Memphis to go see Beyond The Myth. This documentary on pit bulls and breed discrimination is guaranteed to educate you and open your minds and hearts. It is not cool to turn a blind eye to these amazing dogs and the suffering and abuse that WE- HUMANS- impose on them. I am hugely biased towards this breed based on my AMAZING interactions and encounters I have had with these dogs. I do not think everyone needs to own a pit bull. I also don't think everyone needs to own a cute, little dog either. Dogs all have their special needs. But, yes, I am partial to these amazing, faithful, happy, lap dogs. I swear, every pit bull I know just wants to be a lap dog- no matter how big they are they are always trying to just snuggle in my funny. :)

Wednesday, June 15th 7:00 PM, Malco Studio On The Square

Advance movie tickets $12 each, $15 at the door

Movie and after movie party, $27 advance- Slider Inn,

(2117 Peabody Ave. at Peabody/Cooper Ave.)

Purchase tickets at:

Performance by soundtrack artist, Kimber Cleveland


runningyankee said...

you seriously make me cry! i wish there were more of you in this world! i cant even watch the spca commercials on tv :( it kills me that people are so disrespetful and monsterous to these animals. just once i would like for the abusers to be put in the animals place. see how it feels. either that or i would like to punch the crap out of them...

Joy said...

I wish I could go see this with you!!