Saturday, June 25, 2011

Back At It

Today I felt like I was back in action after a 3ish week semi-break post half ironman/vacay. I have to say, I actually hated the down time. I felt out of sorts. I swear my body didn't like it either. I think it has started to rely on the daily dose of adrenaline and exercise. I didn't feel great this week, although I should have been rested from vacation. Go figure.

Luckily I had a normal-ish looking ironman workout on my schedule today (long ride +brick) and completed a 92 mile ride/5.5 mile brick run. Thank goodness. Everything within my control went well, and although I tried to beat the heat, I think I might just have to let that one go. Honestly, if leaving your front door at 5:20am is not early enough, I don't know what else to do.

Normally I would never stop at 92- I would go to 100. I like round numbers. I can't stand 2900 pool workout or 3800 or whatever. A 9.7 mile run? No way. I will just do the extra laps and make it a round number. Today I let the weird compulsion go and called it quits at 92. I thought... "what is the value of 8 more very, very hot, slow miles on the bike + an even hotter brick run versus the long run I have planned tomorrow and everything else on my schedule?" I think I am learning how to better focus on the workout at hand- yet keep in mind that consistency far outweighs any one daily workout. So, if I am slowing down, frying to a crisp, and getting dehydrated at mile 92? I call it a day and prepare for my next, equally important workout.

So, tomorrow I have a long run, and thus the planning begins. I think I will do one of my favorite runs- my house to my parents' house. The beauty of this run is you actually feel like you are accomplishing something with your run as opposed to just running in a circle. I leave my house...and then I get to knock on my parents' door and ask for some breakfast and a ride home:) It is really fun to actually "destination run."

And so I just realized I only have 3 weeks until my next race- Racine 70.3. And 77 days until Wales. A lot of time...yet not nearly enough time. You know?


Anne-Marie said...

love the idea of the "destination run"! wish my parents lived closer so I could do that :)

so you're doing IM Wales? So jealous! I am starting to get the IM bug and need to figure out my 2012 plans.

Joy said...

You know I am just the same with the round numbers. I'll run around a parking lot to make that whatever.0. But I've done the same thing with those long hot rides/runs. Sometimes even my OCDness gets pushed away. Funny you do the same thing!! :)