Sunday, May 15, 2011

Usually I am an open book about my training. I don't post a lot of it on my blog or on facebook, because honestly I don't think anyone cares that I did xx miles or xx pace for a workout. But, if anyone were to ask me what I have been doing, I would be happy to share my workout- results- etc. There really are no secrets. I am just an amateur age grouper that loves this sport and wants to set goals and achieve them. I work hard. I work consistently. I trust the plan and follow the plan.

My easy days are easy- my hard days are hard. I try to do a good job of putting on blinders and refrain from comparing my workouts or progress with other athletes. When I get in over my head with a group, I do not feel shame in dropping back or out to do my own thing. I train to reach my goals, not to impress my fellow triathlete. I also believe that training for a sprint is very different than training for an ironman, so I don't freak out when my friends are training a little faster than I can handle right now.

But lately, I am just starting to feel like maybe I shouldn't be so open with everyone about my training. Why? Because triathletes can be the biggest bunch of critics!!!! If I have one more non-ironman distance triathlete try to tell me that I am not training correctly I might puke. In the past 2 weeks, I have heard more criticism about the hard work I am putting in to my training than I have ever cared to hear. Since when did everyone become a coach? And for those critics that are coaches- you aren't coaching me for a reason. And I want to pull my hair out when sprint/oly distance athletes start preaching to me about how they think I am training "too much" for my race. AHHHH!!!! I am doing and Ironman!!! There is a lot of distance involved. HELLLOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a little touchy and defensive these days as I have just heard so much crap from people. Non-researched, non-practiced based crap.

And for the record, training is going well. I feel great. I am building my endurance and my ability to cover the distance I am going to need to cover in my races. My musculoskeletal system is showing good signs of strengthening, and I am recovering well. Most importantly, I am enjoying it!!! So, feel free to ask what I did today, yesterday or tomorrow for workouts. Just remember that your training needs to represent your goals and mine needs to represent mine. Don't be so quick to judge my training.

Next up is Memphis In May next weekend. I am going to do the Olympic distance only this year. I have put in a lot of miles the past two weeks, so I am not expecting to feel fresh, but I am hoping to get some good work in and have a fun weekend. I am mostly looking forward to hosting pro triathlete Angi Axmann- I have a feeling it is going to be a good time :) We have already started our freak out about snakes in the lake. :)


Anonymous said...

I think you are doing just f-ing awesome. Being someone who has had the privelage of working with you in the past, and understanding firsthand the post surgical struggles you endured, I know for a FACT, YOU KNOW Damie better than anyone.

Stick with what you are doing.... you are healthy, happy and kicking ass.

There will always be people who, for whatever reason like to look into your mirror to avvoid their own. Let em.

Roweramo said...

absolutely. great post.

sometimes i struggle with this. sometimes i wonder if i should be so "open" with my training... and, it is funny, i am a little more hesitant to "disclose" in real life, rather than in the blogging world. because it is in the real life where I find people are more tempted to say you are crazy or wrong or doing it badly...

KeithC said...

Amen Sister!!!! I've been getting a lot of crap for my racing schedule. People have different goals, so do what you need to reach yours!!!

ali said...

This is so true and so glad you got it off your chest:)! Everybody want to be a coach but no one wants to be coached, lol!!! Keep up all your good work!

runningyankee said...


Angela and David said...

I didn't know you were doing an IM. That's awesome. And who cares what others think of your training. It it makes you happy and gets you the results you want, well, it's working.

Bummed I can't make it to Memphis this year but look for my friend Erin Hervago. Awesome girl. She'll be in a Get A Grip kit.

Laura said...

Damie, you are awesome. Period! I don't have to comment this on your blog (but I'm doing it anyway), because I think you know how much I admire you for being so focused on your goals and not letting anyone else distract you from that. You rock chica!

GoBigGreen said...

I am glad you are recovering damie. I was so scared when i read about your accident! As for critics, well, maybe you should just tell them to shut the F up. I have no idea who they are and thats not your style, but it does make one combative doesnt it, especially when you are feeling good. " I feel good, thanks for your concern" that is more constructive than my previous idea!
Mary is right, you know you. So trust YOU!
Good luck at MIM!!