Sunday, May 22, 2011

Memphis In May Triathlon

I will try to type a short RR in pictures (although I am not known for short race reports).

I had the privilege of hosting pro triathlete Angi Axmann this weekend. I first introduced her to Memphis by stopping on the corner of Lamar and Airways to exchange some bike stuff with Dave. Holla!!!! Welcome to the HOOD!!!! You Memphians KNOW that Orange Mound is not the best place for two little white girls to hang out with their bikes :)

Angi and I went to pick up our packets in Tunica. While she attended the pro meeting, I bought some new K-Swiss Kwicky Blade Light shoes. LOVE THEM! We then went for a little pre-race tune up bike/run. Despite what has felt like and awful week for me, I felt good with our little pre-race jaunt. Maybe it was the great company- Angi definitely had me looking forward to the race.
We ate some dinner at April and Bill Bizot's home that evening (yum yum!!! :))) We enjoyed time with Amy Kloner and BF Danny+ Andrew Starykowicz.

Race morning rolled around- my start 7:30ish...Angi's....11:30ish. What a trooper- she brought a little blanky and pillow in the car to catch some more sleep...after she helped me get set up in transition and took care of me. I loved having my own private pro take care of me :)

When I was done, it was her turn to race!!!! I think Billy was a little too fascinated with Angi's legs because he managed to give her several different race numbers. :) Hee hee!!!!

Angi had a solid day on the MIM course (despite a 1 minute stand-down penalty for not dismounting at the right place, even though she dismounted where the volunteer told her to dismount....). These pro women and wickedly awesome. They are so strong and fast. It was really, really fun to watch them. I mean, they are on a whole other level!

My teammates and I did pretty well ourselves.

  • I had my usual "panic, backstroke, I will never race again" swim- at least for the first half mile. Oh, and it was lightening and pouring rain while we were swimming. Oh so safe.
  • The rain continued on the bike, with hail and more lightening. I just destroyed the bike course to the best of my ability and let the elements take care of those who weren't ready to face the challenge. Until I flatted at mile 20. Well, you have to have your first race flat sometime. After talking to a few guys, we decided I may be able to ride it in easy since I was on a tubular (after all, I did not want to DNF in the pouring rain). Every girl I passed just passed me right back, but honestly, I was still a happy little racer. As long as I did not have to DNF and call it a day, I was happy. By sitting up, slowing down, and taking some extra caution, I made it to T2. (tire is busted, but hopefully the wheel is okay). Oh, and the irony of it all- the last part of the course was the TAILWIND and I didn't get to enjoy it!! Agghhh!!!!! I love irony! :)
  • Run: the course was 6.7-6.8 miles....not 6.2- I didn't know the difference, though, because I didn't have a garmin. I did the whole "start very slowly mile 1-2, pick it up 3-4, give whatever is left 5-6." I will never know what my run pace was, but it appears I may have run in the 43s for a 10k, which would be a really good day for me. As always- the joy of running for me is running pain free. I still have a lot of work to do, but my running is getting healthier and healthier by the month.

Angi finally had to leave. Boooo!!!! We had a blast. Let me tell you- life as a pro does not seem to always be easy. The travel can be tough!!!! Angi was such a trooper through all of it, though, and honestly- if she is coming to your town for a race, you should definitely invite her to your home to stay. She is so easy going and awesome!!!!! I could not have asked for a better weekend or a better race buddy.

Thank you for coming to visit! Come back!!!!!!!


Marit C-L said...

Hey you! I can't tell you enough - how proud of you I am!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You have worked SO hard, come so far forward - and done an amazing job!! I hope you celebrate with the biggest piece of sheetcake - ever :)


Angela and David said...

Sounds like you had a great time and a lot of fun. That weather looks nasty. Glad you didn't break your fork while riding your bike!

Charisa said...

Congrats!!! Sounds like a ton of fun - wish I could have raced that one as well :)