Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Cyclist's Nightmare

I was finally hit by a car on my bike. Every cyclists' nightmare, right? This actually happened a few weeks ago, but I am just now feeling like posting about it.

I was hit from behind- and I can only imagine it feels a bit like what a shark attack might feel like. One minute you are just moving along, and then the next minute something hits you that really hurts and you just didn't see it coming.

So, I obviously have all of my vital organs working as I am typing away on the computer. On the whole, everything is fine. I obviously had some injuries...but organs and all of the main life structures are okay. I think I lost another one of my 9 lives, which leaves me now with only 5.

The crazy thing is- the road was WIDE OPEN. No hills...no curves...no other cars or obstacles. The guy just "didn't see me" and then said "he thought he hit a mailbox." It was also a hit and run. So, he struck me from behind...and then left me in the middle of the road screaming for him to stop and help. I can only be thankful that I was had not suffered any immediate, life threatening injuries because I would have been a goner. And wouldn't you know, the guy just got a ticket, even though a hit and run is a criminal offense. I guess he needed to actually kill me to get booked.

I shed a lot of tears for a couple of days after the accident. Not only did it really hurt, but it was really scary. Of course I have a Road ID coming to me in the mail, and it is painfully obvious that I need to get life insurance if I plan on continuing to do this sport because motorists do not care if I make it home to my husband and family.

I guess I could try to "be more careful," but since I was not the one that hit somebody, I guess all I can do is keep riding and trying to stay as alert as possible. And if that doesn't work, I am going to start mountain biking.


runningyankee said...

oh jesus damie! so glad you are OK! how scary!!!! and what an A hole to drive like that. karma is a bitch. in the mean time heal up, rest up and holler if i can help :) bet those pups are good nurses :) but again - SO GLAD YOU ARE OK!

CBD said...

Dear Mailbox,

You came out rather well for someone going into an unfair fight.

I've been hit twice. The most recent time I was commuting at night in the rain with a black raincoat on and was rear-ended despite my blinking light. The first time was more severe and left me bloodied, missing teeth, and unconscious. Luckily, Charles Finney (of hightailers fame) made sure I was wearing this helmet thing before I was hit or I wouldn't have come out so well.

It's easy to focus on the tenuous margin of safety we rely on when doing things like this, but there is a margin of safety. I know more people who have been in serious car wrecks than serious bike wrecks and my friends spend more time on bikes than in cars. In Memphis, no less! So there you go.

Maybe this is a good time to focus on what dangers we can avoid. Riding in the dark while it's raining in a dark jacket is probably a bad idea. Maybe riding through flat delta roads that don't keep drivers' attention by yourself is a bad idea.

Don't let any of this discourage you from picking up a mountain bike also though!

2-Time Mailbox

Damie said...

@Kari- thx :)

@CBD- man, that is rough, doc. you had some serious run-ins. I was so lucky compared to so many other people. just sheer, dumb luck. i have so much to say on this topic, i don't know where to even start. but, you know me- i won't let this slow me down...it will just probably make me very angry for a while :)

Angela and David said...

Yikes! So glad you are okay. How did they give the guy a ticket if he didn't stop? And I can't believe he only got a ticket. Take care of yourself, and yes get insurance and a road ID.

This is the main reason I love my trainer so much. I want Zach to have a mom.

Jennifer Harrison said...

OHMYGOD. I am so glad you are ok. I swear....in these days of all the phones and texting, everytime I go outside I breathe a sigh of relief when I get home alive. I was just out this AM and was like, "I AM HOME ALIVE" when I walked in the door!! It is so scary. And, when we are in an accident, it changes us forever. Hope you are doing ok.

runningtwig said...

Damie, that is nuts! I can't believe you were hit or that the guy thought you were a mailbox and left. That is super scary and I'm glad you are ok!

GoBigGreen said...

Oh Damie i am so sorry. I have to admit that there are days in teh winter that i think "well at least i am not outside and i cant get hit" as i moan about the trainer. Its so not fair and i have had so many friends hit but in attentive drivers, older drivers whatever it is, it just is so scary.
Take care of yourself, take your time getting out on the road and by all means its a good reason to get in a group of riders. I always am more fearful riding alone.

Anne-Marie said...

Oh my gosh, that is so scary!! I'm glad to hear that it wasn't any worse.

I cannot believe he only got a ticket. Is there any way you can make a complaint against it? I agree with the above comment that karma's a bitch - it'll come back to him...

I just got a RoadID this year and can't believe I went without one for so long. After only having it for a few months, I feel naked if I leave the house to ride/run without it!

Hope you're recovering and feeling better!