Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ultra Running

Hooray for me- I ran 32 miles last week...the first time since February 2009 I have passed the 30 mile mark. 32 miles right now feels like ultra-running to me. My body is responding well to running right now. Those 3-5 mile runs that were like pulling teeth last year are becoming easy again. I am starting to feel a little more like the old me again.

And I just knocked on wood.

And in the real ultra-running world, congrats to my friend, Nick Lewis, for his win at 3 Days of Syllamo (50k, 50 miles, 20k). I would refer you to his blog, but he never updates it. :)


Angela and David said...

Hooray! You've been so patient and persistent with your running - I'm so glad it's finally paying off for you.

GoBigGreen said...

Good for you! Thnks for your nice comments. I dont feel so tough right now, vulnerable is more the word, Damie. I have been in the PT office weekly now and its getting old, its like i cant open a door without hurting something that stops me for a week. I sure hope its God's way of saying "take your time, you have all summer!"
Glad the running is going well. Run a few for me!

Anne-Marie said...

Yay! Glad to hear your running is coming back!

Belated Happy Anniversary too! :)

kerrie said...

yay!! it's all about the small victories :)

CBD said...

Way to go D! You've really stuck through some tough recovery. You ran more than me last week :)