Friday, February 4, 2011

This isn't supposed to happen on a Friday!

Not quite the start to the weekend I had hoped to have. I have been so proud of my immune system these past few months. Sick? Not me!!! But between the pediatric rotations at the schools, clinics, and homes combined along with the nursing home, well, I finally caught something. And I feel awful.

I just took some Nyquil, which I haven't touched in probably 8 years. So if this post gets weird, you will know why.

First, I want to share with you a good article. I have always liked Peter Gilmore, the marathoner. Here is a nice article he wrote on his training post college in Africa when he wanted to learn to run like the best. He gives a few good take home messages.

I also wanted to share with you some good progress towards 3 of my New Years 2011 goals.
1. Pay off remainder of student loans.
Dave and I are kicking butt and taking names. As of today, 2-5-11, I just have one big loan left. I just kicked another one to the curb. Dave and I have paid a total of 5 different student loans (big, in our estimation) in full since June 2009. The end is in sight- June 2011 if we can keep our acts together. This is big time.
3. Become a volunteer at the Human Society.
My training commences Sunday, 2-7-11.
4. Buy a pair of race wheels.
I grew sick of scrambling, borrowing, or going without. With some stealth on ebay- combined with a fairy godmother, I will have my own, used, mismatched, great wheel set in my possession this weekend.
Goals # 2, 5, 6, and 7 still need some work.

Otherwise, there was some good training going on around here. Now there will be no training, just sleeping and aching. I was supposed to do a small race tomorrow, and I was really looking forward to it since I have not raced since my last 5k in October. It looks like I may have to alter my plans a bit and consider that race entry a nice donation.


runningyankee said...

feel better! and get back to kicking ass asap.

GoBigGreen said...

Oh darn it, I hope by now you are BETTER!
My sister volunteers at the Humane Society in St paul, she walks dogs. Its really fun ( well in the summer!) and she is quite devoted to it. I was amazed how much training she had to go thru, bc i guess you have to diffuse "the trouble makers" and not let them walk with other "trouble makers." sounds like nursery school:)