Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Project Wednesday

This morning I was in project-mode. I cleaned the kitchen and vacuumed the house. I took out the trash and recycle bin. I even put away all of my cans- the cans I save to get money for animal rescue- in the shed (but that was because Dave threatened to throw them away if I didn't move them because it made our driveway look trashy. He even gave me a deadline. ha ha!).

Some more projects:
I finally put this gem in a frame. I guess the bitterness of our playoff loss has softened. I love our team- Who Dat!

I finally- 2 years later- did something with my Ironman pictures. For 4$, I found this frame- something cheap but creative. So, now I can hang this up right next to the trainer for some motivation.

The dogs LOVE Wednesdays. I am home for most of the day and don't leave for work until later. They helped me on all of my projects.

And I also had my first 13 mile run since March 2009! Yea!!!! It is getting easier and easier. My joints and muscles are starting to catch up to my lungs, and I was surprised and happy to see a good pace + a lower HR today for my run. I really feel that some good things are going to happen with my run this year. ( I just knocked on wood).

It must be the new clothes- I was looking really cute in my new visor and capris. Thank you Hillary Biscay! Yes, I accidentally entered one of her contests as a male. I received a consolation prize due to the hilarity of it all. :)

Okay- gotta go to work! My day will be complete if I can make it home in time to cook Dave dinner. That is my final goal for the evening.

:) xxxxooo0


Jennifer Harrison said...

OH! LOVE the IM FL that how you spell that? LOL...yeah on the 13 mile run! Glad you are feeling so good!!

runningyankee said...

dogs really are the best supervisors out there. i dont know how i would ever get anything done with out them. ha!!

Joy said...

I love the display frame! Good inspiration! :) Too bad my off morning (today) has not been so productive!

Charisa said...

I get in project mode too - always fun when i actually "finish" projects - that's another story :)

Your frame looks great!