Saturday, August 14, 2010

Trying Again..and Again...

I wish I could report that the run is improving and I am starting make some headway. Not so much here.

The 5 miler last Sunday looked something like positive splits and LOTSA people passing me. Move legs, move!!!! No response. I finished the new and easier 5 mile course about 4 minutes slower than the last time I ran this race. Right now it is against me and the clock- and the clock is kicking my butt over and over again.

If at first you don't succeed... train harder!!!!

Wednesday morning I joined the 18 minute 5k chicks for 6 x 800. I do not belong in this group- which is exactly why I am there. If that makes sense. And they are amazing runners and great company + motivation. So, their warm up was race pace for me (ha ha! hello 5:45am!). We picked a pace for me that would challenge me to break out of my slogging- and off I went...breathing and struggling and running well behind everyone. My leg muscles were screaming- muscles that haven't been used in forever! I finished my first set of good intervals since 2008, and I re-enlisted in the school of HTFU.

Try again!

Another day, another attempt. Yesterday I entered an Olympic distance triathlon in Arkansas- this was not an A race for me, but I really need more practice at the longer runs. I was really hoping my legs would show some signs of waking up from the dead.

Led the race until...yup, you got it...mile 4 of the run. Oh yes, my blazing 51 minute 10k could not hold off the eventual 1st place woman. It is just hard for me to believe that I am still running this slow. I have never run a 50+ minute 10k in my whole life until this year, and now I have 2 to my name.
Add the formation of a blister at about 2 miles into the run- it made for an interesting and painful 10k to say the least.

Regroup. Regroup. Realism. Several weeks of running does NOT turn around a year layoff. I know this- so we (me and my running self) are cool. I have a nice little plan that involves some miles+ tempo+ speed+ being kind to my knee +patience+ a lot of HTFU and suffering. Oh yes, and time. In the back of my mind, I just thought the run would come back easily for me since it was always easy for me to get in run shape before. A different body is my new reality, and I have to work with the changes.

I am not complaining. I can run. I cherish this no matter what the speed. The things in life that come easy are not as rewarding. It will feel soooo good when I finally have that one race where the run "clicks" again. I am looking forward to sharing that day with you!

So, I continue to set new PWs on the run, but I finished 2ndOA female. Looks like I am turning into a good aquabike participant! ha ha!!


Laura said...

"The things in life that come easy are not as rewarding."
Ahhhhhh, I hear ya! Thanks for always having such a great attitude Damie, and sharing it with us on your blog. See ya this week! :)

kerrie said...

oh, it will come....i think running is always the hardest thing to get back after time off cause there is no where to hide, lol. but you know, based on your bike and how fit you are, you definitely have the aerobic engine you need to perform well, it's just a matter of training your legs to follow. i think you are on the right track by working on your speed and turnover. i just hope you have a great late season race lined up for when you hit your stride!!!

Angela and David said...

It will be back. I am the last person to be giving this advice and it seems you already know it, but patience will pay off. I am running with a group training for the olympic qualifying times in the marathon and I've watched some of those woman come back from terrible injuries to amazing results. You'll get there!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Hang in there Damie - you know it will come back, it always does. slowly and patiently. AND you have been the queen of patience for sure! I bet it is AWESOME to be out there racing and mixing it up w/ the faster run gals - good for you!!! Keep it up!