Monday, August 23, 2010

A Step Forward

(Pic from 1st 5 miler 2 weeks ago)

Last week was a big week for me. I threw everything I could at myself- dead legs, big days, and mental fatigue. I purposely made it my hardest week of the year- I wanted to see if I could wrap my brain around fatigue and come out on top. (and, of course, answer the question...can my knee take this?) By the time I lined up for the 5 miler on Sunday, my body and mind were shot. As I waited at the starting line (way back where I belong these days), I thought to myself " I sure do love Gina...this is my time to spend with my friend." and " I hate myself." Talk about tired.

Given the hard week and heavy bike legs, I started to wimp out on myself. "You can just jog this." But, I didn't. I made small goals...jogging is just not going to cut it anymore.
1. To run up every hill. No pitter pattering. I can do whatever I want to do on the flats, but I have to be passing people on the hills.
2. Good form. No heavy foot strike just because my legs are tired. (I knew this would actually be hard for me, but like swimming, I think good form should practiced with running as well.)

Mile 1- I was running up the hills. I wasn't dying, so I challenged myself more and added one more goal to the day. (I am not sure you are supposed to do that mid-race, but it sounded like a good idea at the time). I decided to make every following mile faster than the last. Mile 2, 3, 4 came...and I made each mile faster. 10-15 seconds faster per mile. By the time mile 5 came around, I had my first negative split run of the year.

The net time was not really any faster than the 2 weeks before, but the end result felt so much better. The legs were MAD and TIRED, but my brain was stronger. I wanted to jog, but I ended up descending my miles. Instead of letting everyone pass me, I started passing back. This is good stuff.

For me, any little success in running right now is a step forward. So, small goals are working well for me right now. Instead of saying- I will run x:xx per mile, I am saying, I will make sure to do qrs and xyz today. And I think the x:xx per mile will eventually follow.

The real highlight of my weekend was watching these 2 girls play (and DOMINATE) a regional game (Louisiana vs Arkansas). I used to coach these girls when they were half of my height...and 9-10ish years old. Now they are asking me..."Coach Damie, where should we go to college?" College? OMG- talk about feeling OLD.

I smile every time that I think I had a part in the lives of these young women. Not only are they AMAZING players- D1 quality, but they are beautiful, kind people as well. I will never know what part I had in their development, but big or small, I am so happy that I was able to contribute.

Happy REST week to me. Seriously. Call me only to go dog-walking this week.


runningtwig said...

Congrats on the week!

And I loved the part about your former of my former players is now my assistant...and I go to my former players weddings all the time! It's amazing watching them grow up and change so much!

Laura said...

Hey girl. Wanna go walk the dogs? ;)

Kevin Leathers said...

That is a great week of hard work! And a great pic from the 5 miler.

GoBigGreen said...

Awesome race and i love the GRR in the picture. Negative splits are perfect and its good to practice that, hopefully your knee is doing great too!