Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Settling Into Time Off

This picture is for Julia...because I really thought- no, she has it backwards. I hardly ever party. I am boring.

Then I get the pictures and I think- WHY am I the one that always has a drink in my hand. Everyone else is drinking, but the pictures always show me with the drink! I made us re-do the picture...

Vacay is going something like this- 12 hours of sleep every night followed by 2 cups of good coffee. Dolphins are outside of the condo every morning and I get to watch in amazement. Then I play on the computer because I can- and Dave can't get on to me for spending too much time on the computer b/c I am on vacay. World Cup is always on....and I play commentator. I then grab a good book and walk 100 feet to the beach. I wear a bikini, and I find this very amusing because when I was young and could wear a bikini I would cover up and wear a one-piece or shorts/shirt. Now I am getting older with nice sags, wrinkles, and cellulite- yet I have less body issues. Maybe when I am 60 I will be in a thong bikini.

So from there I may or may not nap. Then I have to decide- ride or run? or nothing? Last year I rode every day just because I could- and racked up 200 miles. This year, I haven't felt like riding into the beach wind at 15 mph as much, so I sometimes just go back to reading.

I am continuing to experience my love/hate with running. As in- I LOVE to run, and it hurts my knee so I hate it. I am not sure how this is a fair experience, and I am really getting pissed that on my vacation, I cannot enjoy something I love. I continue to ponder- is this my future? Never again will running be a consistent pleasure for me? I feel cheated and mad. My left knee feels so good when I run...normal. So I do I have a comparison for my right knee. ughhh... I mean, I have been battling this for 5 years, so I think it makes sense that it really wears on me. And vacation brings all of these frustrations out because I have time to think and wonder- but then I move on to the next peaceful thing around here. Dolphins, waves, books.... so if I feel frustrated, I don't have to tackle it, I can just do nothing and be at peace.

So- ride, run, or nothing...then dinner is around the corner. And we have some serious dinners. Scallops last night for me (steak for everyone else). Good German wine from our Frankfurt friends whom have joined us. Dessert. And then I go to bed or not. Wake up and do whatever I want all over again.

Right now Drogba just came on the pitch for the Ivory Coast, so I am going to watch some WC. Then get on my bike because I am in the mood today. Then go tan and read. That is the entire plan for today. Tomorrow I do want to go kayaking to find those dolphins...


runningyankee said...

i.am.jealous. and you look cute. send me your pics. i'll photoshop out your drinks! ha.

GoBigGreen said...

Hee hee:) thanks:) As Kari said, you are great and always with a smile. I mean that. Good Karma!