Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Recaps Continued

World Cup cool: David Villa (unstoppable right now) and Tevez (hell of a goal) in...USA out (tear). My top 4 picks at the start of the games for going all of the way were Argentina, Spain, Germany, Brazil ...and they are all still in. But Argentina OR Germany have to go next game, so we will see...

So- this weekend Laura and I made the grand trip to Mississippi to see Joy one last time before she moves to New Mexico. I think maybe I had just planned to move to New Mexico with her based on the way I packed.

We made sure to swim....kind of. Well, Joy splashed some on herself. We had these great open water swim plans, but somehow they just fell through every day. Either we are the most lame swimmers I know, or we are just scared of alligators.

We made sure to get a good bike ride in- thank you Joy for the tour. Mississippi is really pretty if you get off of the boring interstate! Here Joy and I are doing what we do best- talking.

We squeezed one trail run somewhere in the weekend- sandwiched between too much drinking and too little sleep for me. Then we zoned out and stared the computer for the rest of the day- and Laura is not kidding when she said we actually made a list of the things Ironman could do better when broadcasting races. I remember there were 20 so pros entered, but by the coverage, it seemed that there were only 4 on the race course.

By the way, did we ever email that?

And then it was time to go. And we took one more picture together.

I have said it before, and I will say it again. I have a great life. We (my friends) have a GREAT life. A charmed life, really. How lucky we are to have each other. I am so happy that I walk through my life with so many good times. And it just goes on and on.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Been back....been busy.

Too much for one person to do or to figure out in such a short period of time.

It is also time to take into account the knee progress (or lack thereof) and plan the rest of the race season. I am determined to move away from the sprints and back to the longer distances that I love. The only thing holding me back is the run. I am very determined to keep fighting through it- because regardless of what the past couple of years have reflected, I know that running is one of my strengths.

So race planning, here I come.

Congrats to all of the great racing this weekend. I spent a lot of time in front of the computer just enjoying the sport. (I had to do something to make up for the very depressing USA loss- which still has me feeling a little down).

Joy, Laura, and I spent our last weekend together in Jackson, MS before Joy's big move to New Mexico. We had planned a big training weekend- and there was some training involved along with a lot of eating and having fun. And I really dropped the ball on the pics, so I am steal some from Laura later.


Friday, June 18, 2010

Still having fun....

I have managed to read The Paid Companion (good), The Samurai's Wife (good!) and another trashy romance novel (great!). I am midway through Kenny Moore's book, and I also have Running with the Buffaloes to knock out.

I am sad that I only have one more full day here at the beach. Today is USA vs Slovenia, maybe walk to the pier, and more reading on the beach... I have gotten used to being on vacation.

Of course it will be great to be back with my beloved dogs. But, going back home represents facing my challenges again- work, loss of running with crappy right knee, and the eternal Memphis v New Orleans question. In my next life I am a European with 1-2 months of vacay a year...mandatory.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Settling Into Time Off

This picture is for Julia...because I really thought- no, she has it backwards. I hardly ever party. I am boring.

Then I get the pictures and I think- WHY am I the one that always has a drink in my hand. Everyone else is drinking, but the pictures always show me with the drink! I made us re-do the picture...

Vacay is going something like this- 12 hours of sleep every night followed by 2 cups of good coffee. Dolphins are outside of the condo every morning and I get to watch in amazement. Then I play on the computer because I can- and Dave can't get on to me for spending too much time on the computer b/c I am on vacay. World Cup is always on....and I play commentator. I then grab a good book and walk 100 feet to the beach. I wear a bikini, and I find this very amusing because when I was young and could wear a bikini I would cover up and wear a one-piece or shorts/shirt. Now I am getting older with nice sags, wrinkles, and cellulite- yet I have less body issues. Maybe when I am 60 I will be in a thong bikini.

So from there I may or may not nap. Then I have to decide- ride or run? or nothing? Last year I rode every day just because I could- and racked up 200 miles. This year, I haven't felt like riding into the beach wind at 15 mph as much, so I sometimes just go back to reading.

I am continuing to experience my love/hate with running. As in- I LOVE to run, and it hurts my knee so I hate it. I am not sure how this is a fair experience, and I am really getting pissed that on my vacation, I cannot enjoy something I love. I continue to ponder- is this my future? Never again will running be a consistent pleasure for me? I feel cheated and mad. My left knee feels so good when I run...normal. So I do I have a comparison for my right knee. ughhh... I mean, I have been battling this for 5 years, so I think it makes sense that it really wears on me. And vacation brings all of these frustrations out because I have time to think and wonder- but then I move on to the next peaceful thing around here. Dolphins, waves, books.... so if I feel frustrated, I don't have to tackle it, I can just do nothing and be at peace.

So- ride, run, or nothing...then dinner is around the corner. And we have some serious dinners. Scallops last night for me (steak for everyone else). Good German wine from our Frankfurt friends whom have joined us. Dessert. And then I go to bed or not. Wake up and do whatever I want all over again.

Right now Drogba just came on the pitch for the Ivory Coast, so I am going to watch some WC. Then get on my bike because I am in the mood today. Then go tan and read. That is the entire plan for today. Tomorrow I do want to go kayaking to find those dolphins...

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Relax and renew. It is the time of year for me when I recharge mentally, physically, and spiritually. For the first time in years, I have a planned break with NO STUDYING and NO WORK! I am looking forward to renewing my spirit and recharging with some positive energy to help me through the rest of the year.

I kicked off my holiday with the Los Locettes and Terrapina's party- a girl's only party with the two local triathlon teams, Los Locos and Terrapins! Might I just say that I am lucky to be surrounded by so many beautiful, smart, talented, and kind women through the sport of triathlon. It has made my time in Memphis more than worthwhile.
Did I say females only? It seems Mike Cooley was a little confused. I am pretty sure I didn't see his name on the evite, but he just "dropped by for a minute."
Lucia Colbert and Susan Ruch can't help but get a little serious for a minute. And they rock.

Los Locettes: Maggi Finley, Amy Garner, Cheryl Tweatt, and Jeanie Zalinski.
Terrapinas: Gayle Minard and Lindsey Reed- probably planning a night at Raford's.

I only included this picture because Laura looked great. Straight from work, no make-up, hair in pig tails, and tired...I look like hell. I believe my friends love me for what is inside ;)

Ashley Nations, Damie, and Layla Bell- hanging out after an AWESOME meal. I don't know how the entire night ended as I had to leave early. I hope some good stories come my way. :)

My current view
All of the sleeping, World Cup, sun-tanning, running, biking, more sleeping, reading and more sleeping that I care to do.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

I have become a bad blogger- I simply cannot think of simple thoughts these days to right down. Plus, I am not really doing anything besides working and trying to fit in some training. Let me get back to you after my upcoming vacation...maybe I will be inspired.

I have enjoyed a couple of hard training weeks, and I have enjoyed watching myself unravel as well as the gauntlet finally came down on me. Now that I have left the beginner ranks of triathlon and moved to the intermediate years, I no longer worry about "bad" workouts, missed sessions, or slow progress. Well, not as much, anyways. Bad/tired days are just your inner coach sending you a change in the workout schedule for the week.

I find myself drinking a glass of wine tonight in place of a run/swim- and here is why:
- I was very fatigued on my Tuesday ride. While I could manage the ride well enough, there was no pop or up in my legs or heart.
-I "thought" I heard thunder last night so I slept in and skipped swim. Lo and behold, there was not a drop of water on the ground this morning when I went to work. I must have really been reaching for a good reason to skip today in my subconscious.
- At some point today at work, I found myself lying on the floor in the middle of the a skilled nursing facility (think c-diff, leaking diapers, any other germ that is found in a hospital on the floor). I actually did not care, though, because I just needed to crash for a second. My patients now think I am crazy. I know I am crazy. That is not the point. I was just really tired and need a break.

Whew hew. So, I took another nap when I got home, poured a glass of wine, and cleaned my bikes. We will try again tomorrow.

And, if that doesn't work, there is always my awesome vacay coming up.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Italian Fest, 106 Miles, John Prine/Keith Sykes and Beyond

I have had such a long, great weekend- and it is not over yet. This post could go on for 3 pages...I don't even know how to trim it down. The highlights are as such:

- Memphis Italian Festival: Friday family and friends have a tent, and needless to say I had a great time. Needless to say, I left the festival at midnight with a funnel cake (?because that sounded like a great idea at the time?) and by the time I made it home, I had eaten the whole thing. I was hoping it would give me some fuel for a Saturday morning ride, I guess.

- 106 miles: Saturday morning...slightly hungover, severe lack of sleep from the whole week, and remembering the funnel cake? I had no breakfast in the house and set off to ride hoping that I would kick the hangover and just hang on to wheels. And, no, I did not plan to go from 30 mile rides to centuries. When no one was turning around and we were 40+ miles from the start, I had a moment of "oh s#it!" Since I am directionally challenged, I couldn't get myself home and just had to suck it up and ride. I pushed aside all thought that I have not ridden over 70 miles since IMFL2008.

And, to be honest, I felt good the whole ride. I have no clue what was "fine" about riding 100+ miles with no preparation, but it was. Was is my awesome bike Torres that doesn't tear up my body quite as much? Or the good aerobic base post surgery from just doing easy stuff? Or less knee pain? Or good company? Or the funnel cake? Or all of the above? It was an epic good day.

-John Prine/Keith Sykes: after spending the afternoon lying in bed and reading, I put on my party face and went to hear some of the best acoustic music I have heard in my whole life. If either of these two guys come near you, you better go see them. You will never want to listen to radio music again- you will feel scammed by the lack of intelligence, creativity, story-telling, and skill that our pop culture has to offer.

It was during this show that I started to think about how amazing my life is.

Fast forward 4 hours or so and I was STARVING! 106 miles will do that to you. Dave and I sat across from each other in a booth at Westies around midnight and I cleaned my entire plate + a hot fudge pie dessert worth about 2000 calories. I told Dave how GOOD my life is. I know that not every day can be as pleasant or fun as these past few, but it seems that I have so many more good days than bad. I have had so many adventures- so many good friends.

And last little bit- as I work in a nursing home/skilled nursing facility, I have the opportunity every day to talk with older people that are ending their lives- some with friends, and some without. John Prine sang a great song about TALKING to older people and saying hello. The end of life can feel pretty lonely when your friends have already passed away, or your family lives in another state, or your kids cannot afford to take care of you and you have to live in a facility. Take the time to say hello.

Ya' know that old trees just grow stronger,
And old rivers grow wilder ev'ry day.
Old people just grow lonesome
Waiting for someone to say, "Hello in there, hello."