Wednesday, May 19, 2010

This and That!

I realized today that not being able to really run in the past 6 months has been a blessing in disguise. Yup, I never thought I would say that, but today I realized it was a gift! Today I had two women watch me work out in the personal training class I have been doing for the past few months. They kept commenting on how great my arms looked. Who me??? Spaghetti noodle arms? Thank you Cato!!!! Thank you for all of those stupid squat-thrusters and plyometric push-ups. (and it did not hurt my ego to hear them say I must be in my 20s).

I owe my consistency with strength training to my injury- otherwise I would have been out running! Doing the same ol' thing with probably very little change. With some added strength, though, maybe I can make some real changes in my swim/bike/run. I have always been missing an element of power and strength, and now I have an opportunity to work on it. I will definitely hit the strength circuit HARD in the winter as well!

Haven't checked out the public library in Memphis? You are missing out on some STEALS! I always check out the 2nd floor (go to the right) sports section. Look at what I found tonight! A Kenny Moore book on what has made the great runners so good- as well as Joanie's book. Super cool! (I was about to throw up, though, when Dave asked me who Joan Benoit was.)

And, Dave was about to throw up when he saw these books on the table. AH ha ha ha ha!!! I just can't help it! I promise, promise that after these 3 books I will read Dog Gone It, Lamb, and the Bourne Identity- lovingly sitting on my dresser just waiting for me to choose them. I will back away from the Fabio books.


Scott said...

I have gone through just about every running/triathlon/and cycling book at my local(Baton Rouge)library. I just don't think I can do the "fabio's". Or at least not be able to mention them on the blog, I do have a reputation to uphold!

Laura said...

You have no idea how many books I have on my To Read list!! There use to be a pile on my bedside table, which are gone now that Steve cleaned. I need to ask him where he put those...

kerrie said...

um, so where are the pictures of your guns? we need to see you in some action shot doing some push ups!!!
i actually think i own that kenny moore book....

Angela and David said...

Your post makes me want to go get a library card.

Look for me this weekend - I'll be in Team Snapple stuff (and it's too small so I'll look like a sausage in it!).