Saturday, May 8, 2010

Beautiful Day in Memphis

How do you know you are a successful wife?

When you talk your husband (who hates running) into running 2.5 miles with you, and then convince him to return home early to start dinner while you finish your run.


Somewhere along the run, he wondered aloud how he ended up in such a marriage as he looked over and saw me flicking snot mid-stride. I laughed so hard I had to stop running for a moment to settle myself down. Life is so funny sometimes!

It was a beautiful, beautiful Saturday here in Memphis. I was able to run in the afternoon and it was cool and perfect. Since I have not had the opportunity to run much this year, I missed most of the beautiful spring days and felt very lucky to have this one. I managed 6 miles- my best and happiest 6 miles since surgery. That brings my weekly total to 10.5...ha ha!!!!

The goal for the day was to run 6 miles- to force it- to make myself start running again. I know I have to get the muscular endurance back. I know I have to just get out there and do it and make it come back. Luckily today I didn't have to force it like I have on every other run this year. It was the old me!

Then I got home and realized that the back of my knee was so swollen it looked like someone had hidden an Easter egg in it. :( I am icing it now and not letting it ruin my overall attitude towards my nice run.

But I know that swelling is not promising- and 6 months of swelling is not a good sign. I think that with this surgery, I have had to accept that there is some bad that has come with the good. I definitely feel a high level of frustration as I battle the side effects. (add hip problems to the knee swelling...and that is a whole other story and even bigger problem that I won't even attempt to address in this post). The problem is, I sometimes feel that the bad outweighs the good, and that was not an expectation from surgery. So, the serenity prayer is definitely part of my daily routine!

Sooo...more time, hard work, and patience. Those principles apply to just about anything in life. :)

Off to read another cheesy romance novel. I have been picking some bad ones lately. I know, I know. You think they are all bad. Not true. A bad romance novel still has the characters only kissing at page 200- I'm just saying. The good ones have moved on from that 100 pages ago.


Marit C-L said...

You had me rolling at the romance novel comment... awesome :)

Your hubby is awesome!

Injuries/illness (on the other hand) sucks. I'm thinking of you!

Jan said...

ran and cooked!?! now that's an awesome relationship y'all have!

Laura said...

I was running with Steve recently on a particularly snotty day and had to snot rocket a few times. At one point Steve said, well it sure is a good thing you clean up nice! Haha.

Glad to hear you had a good run in that beautiful weather!!

Unknown said...

I love romance novels too! My dirty little secret...well it was until now!