Saturday, April 3, 2010

Ride Into Spring

The early morning thunderstorms led to beautiful skies for the Ride Into Spring.  

And just like last week, I almost missed the big event when my alarm did not go off in the morning.  I knew I was in big trouble when I saw sunlight coming through the curtains.  I sprang out of bed with a big "S#!t!"  It was 7:20- the ride started at 8:00- I live nowhere near the ride- and I was not registered.  

I would like to take this moment to interject Dave- husband extraordinaire.  I often have teammates and friends ask if Dave rides/runs/etc.  It may  come across that he is not athletic or does not care about my athletic pursuits, as few people in the triathlon world have met or know Dave.  In truth, he is extremely athletic- and an amazing athlete.  He just chooses to continue to play soccer while he is still good.  (And I taunt him and tell him he will become a runner/triathlete when he gets too old to be good on the soccer pitch).  He is also supportive of my "hobby"- as evidence by his assistance this morning in getting my bike/bag in the car while I tried to hurry and get dressed and make the ride.  He could have stayed asleep, but he said he knew I would be disappointed if I missed the ride so he got up to pack my bike.  What a sweetheart.  

Anyhoo- made the ride.  I opted to do the 75 mile ride- why?  I have only ridden outside 5 times or so this year, and no more than 35 miles.  I was smart enough to NOT try to get out with the fast guys or follow my teammates towards a sure death.  I rode with Barbara and looked for a group that was riding at a consistently steady pace.  I found one and had a GREAT ride.  

Just a couple of weeks ago, I made the comment to Laura that I wanted to have more opportunities to do long rides at a steady, aerobic pace.  It seems that anytime I get with a group for a long ride, there is always that person pushing the pace in the first 5 miles unnecessarily,  another person that refuses to ride steady, another person that races the ride at the same pace as their last sprint tri, etc.....By the time I am halfway through a long ride, I am tired and grumpy from expending so much energy keeping up with the craziness.  

Today I was determined to get in a long, aerobic ride.  It was tough at times simply because I have not ridden that long, and I did have to work hard at times.  I had to pick and choose when I needed to stay with certain riders, and when it wasn't worth it.  But, I noticed that I enjoyed the day more than I have on so many other rides.  It was gorgeous outside!  I felt good the whole time.  I got to ride with Barbara and catch up on some chatting with her.  I still finished with a respectable mph avg for 77 miles- and have the rest of my day to enjoy!

Spring is underway!



kerrie said...

whoaaaaaa - 75 miles?!? yes, spring is really underway(send some this way!!) you are really getting back out there and getting it done.

Laura said...

So you found spring this year, huh? Let's plan on aerobic ride this Saturday too!

Glad you had a good weekend!

Roweramo said...

love this post damie!!! I completely agree with the sensation of being on a ride, and not being able to focus on what you want to focus on... but... also love that spring is on the way :)

Jan said...
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GoBigGreen said...

That sounds like a great spring ride! I can't wait to do a few 80 muleta my favorite distance!