Sunday, March 7, 2010

Weekend Race Reports

Chucalissa 5k-

Beautiful, gorgeous 5k in the middle of a state park and Choctaw Indian archeological site.  This is my first run with any sort of speed since July of 2009.  I have not run a single ounce of speedwork since that July triathlon, and I have had great difficulty running faster than a 10 minute mile at this time.  (Last week at the duathlon I was running 9 minute miles on the trails).  My goal and expectation was to run a 5k.  Period.  No time goals- just run and try to run as fast as my knee and fitness would allow.   

I was forewarned at the line-up that while the first mile was fast, the second mile was a hill that lasted the entire mile.  So, with that little tidbit, I started off my first 5k at an easy pace.  (And I am still always amazed at how many people I pass between mile 1 and 2 that go out too fast.)  I wore my Garmin for data purposes, but I did not look at it during the race.  First mile was 7:37, nice and easy.  Second mile was 7:46 heading up the hill.  Third mile was 7:27.  Average time was 7:34.  

I was definitely happy to see that I was able to meet that pace with no training.  I have no desire at this time to work on lowering that pace, as I think it will come with improved health and ability to ride/run.  My main goal is to continue to take care of the knee and resist the urge to regain speed right away.  

Memphis Mile Swim-

The last time I swam a mile straight was in 2008 Florida Ironman.  I got in the pool today with the 3rd heat, and as I left the wall I just completely had no idea how to pace 1650 pool yards.  It went by so fast that I don't even remember doing it this morning.  I set a PR by about 3.5 minutes, but the minute I touched the wall I wanted a re-do.  I think I lost about 15 seconds in there trying to find my pace, not being focused on the walls, worrying about the lap card being correct, etc....  It was not my most focused swim, and I am ready to do the whole thing over again.  I am happy to have a new PR in the event, and I will make sure to add some longer intervals to my swimming before I step into some olympic distance triathlons this year so I will feel comfortable with my pace.  

Anyhoo- time to finish cleaning the bathroom and then snuggle up with my trashy romance novel.  Have a great week!

1 comment:

Marit C-L said...

WOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh Damie - I'm SO HAPPY for you! You're doing it! You sound great - making awesome progress and just think of all the obstacles you've overcome to be where you are! I am SO proud of you - I know it hasn't been easy...but you're doing it! Yippeeee!!!! I wish I could give you a hug in person... :) Keep it up my friend - way to take care of yourself and 'spice' it up. I LOVE it!!! YES!!