Saturday, March 6, 2010

Spicy Weekend!

There was really no need for me to do a duathlon last weekend...

And no need for me to follow it up with a 5k today.  And  timed mile swim tomorrow.    

Except for the need to spice it up!  I have cared so little about racing post injury that I have needed some umpffff to get me moving and caring and enjoying the sport again.  

I can say that so far, the racing is working.  I am enjoying my time in the sun and starting to look forward to my training.  Things are slowly starting to click, and I am maintaining my motivation to get my knee healthy.  

I will do a combo 5k/Memphis mile race report tomorrow.  

Thank you to my parent's for spectating last weekend at the duathlon.  I meant to say thanks in my race report, but I tend to ramble on and miss some things.  Even at 31-years-young, it still feels good to have my parents come and watch.  

1 comment:

runningtwig said...

sounds like you are doing well despite the knee - i was looking at the results from yesterday (my husband ran it)! good job and congrats!