Monday, March 1, 2010

Du In The Rocks, I Mean Dirt Race Report

My mind was clear on Sunday morning. I was in a beautiful part of the world sharing time with my parents and loving dog. The sky was clear and the day was peaceful. I decided I would not let anyone intimidate me from doing the race, and I would come in dead last if that is what it took to finish. If other people can do it, than so can I.  Who says you can't start big?  

Some views at the cabin
The river is down this time of year, but in a few weeks they will open the damn and it will be water time again!
Here is our cabin- it sleeps six, so I am already planning a girl's trip training weekend.  No, Jarred, you are not included as a girl.  

Once I got to the race, I met some guys from Memphis doing their first ever mountain bike race as well. They had the same feelings of doubt that I had, and we all made a pact to hang together and finish!  (It was so nice and calming to meet other beginners- I hope to run into the guys again sometime in Memphis and thank them for befriending me in a time when I really needed it!)

Here is my race report- and I will grade myself for you.  

Run 1:  2.3ish miles of beautiful single track trail.  Up down up down.  Gorgeous.  I lined up in the very back which really bothered me as I feel so out of place, but I knew it was all part of hte plan.  The goal for the first run was to run as though I could have gone way faster.  I got behind some women and made a rule that I could not pass.  By mile 1, I was really chomping at the bit.  I was feeling good- hemmed in- running too slow- HR low- form felt good- so I had to break my rule a little bit.  I picked it up the pace a little but kept the HR low.  I tucked in behind some guys...which was so irksome too.  ughh!!! I just wanted to RUN!  I am just not used to sitting behind people when I feel great, but I stuck with the plan and felt like I could have done the run much faster. Bonus- the knee felt good.  Tight, but no pain.  

Grade/ A :  for sticking with the plan and not racing the run.  It was really hard for me to not race the run, but very promising that I had no knee pain on the hills.  I am excited to start run training again.  

Bike:  It was just as hard as I imagined it.  People flew by me on the hills, and my platform pedals gave me no advantage... ha ha!  I actually wished I had my SPDs on the bike just to be able to use my hip flexors and hamstrings.  If I didn't die from hitting my head on a rock, I knew I would die from back pain.  It was gorgeous and hard.  I touched down a ton, walked up a ton of hills, came off in a creek and got completely soaked, got passed, and passed, and passed.  I really enjoyed the friendly people that offered me encouragement.  I will remember to do that in my next triathlon if I pass anyone, because it is so nice to hear "keep it up-  nice job, etc.." as opposed to "on your left, move, blah blah blah- aka:  this is my race and you are ruining it by being so slow and I must make you feel bad about it."  It took me FOREVER to finish, but I came out in one piece and I know my parents were thrilled about that.  

Grade/ A?  I mean, what else can I give myself?  It is EASY to do the things you where you know you will be successful.  It takes much more courage to try something really hard and to be unsure of yourself but do it anyway!  

Run 2: In transition, I made plans with my parents to meet me with Rooney up on a hill so he could run the last portion with me- I have always wanted to run a race with my favorite buddy.  As I started the run, my shoes and socks were so soaked that I got about 400 meters before I had to stop and take off the socks...I just couldn't run like that.  And then I ran all by myself.  Everyone else was already finished, so it was really boring and I had no motivation to push myself as I had no one to catch.  I got to the top of the hill...and no Rooney.  I had a mini-mental breakdown when I didn't see Rooney there.  Where was he?  I really, really wanted to run with him!  I was grumpy for another half mile that I didn't have Rooney, but my parents were waiting for me at the top of another hill with Rooney and we were able to finish the race together.  

Look how happy Rooney is!  He is smiling!  
Grade/ C:  I know, I know.  I was supposed to push the second run, not worry about the dog, not stop to take socks off, etc...   I had a tough time challenging myself when I was all by myself out there, so the mental sharpness is just not there yet.  Next time :)

If you hear a rumor that I won my age group, it was because I was the only person in it.  If you hear another rumor that I placed 4th overall, it is because there were only 5 women in the whole race (and I am sure the 5th place woman had a mechanical issue or something).  

But what I won, that the other racer's didn't, is this finisher's rock presented to me by my mom and Rooney.  They picked out a rock for me from the park to reward me for finishing the race.  

So, as my friend Holly would say, everyone pick up your big cojones and enter something challenging this year.  :))))))


Anonymous said...

hey first place is first place! I love this!

Laura said...

Hmmmmm.... What should I pick....

Great job out there Damie. Love that you ran it in with Rooney.

kerrie said...

great job! i'm just so proud of you for getting back out there and getting in the spirit of racing. you had to get that out of your system....and you certainly can't complain about first place :)!!!!!

runningtwig said...

Good job!

And great quote in the end...I need to keep that in mind this year...

runningyankee said...

way to stick it out.

GoBigGreen said...

Cool! What a great thing to do in the outdoors! I would give anything to do a race ( yes even a MTB race!) right now on no snow and ice. Good for you! GRADE A+

Anonymous said...

I was hoping to have a pillow fight with you ladies when you mentioned a girls trip. I even went out and got a special one made for it but now you just tease me once again. You and your damn jedi mind tricks.
