Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

Dave and I actually made it out last night for a little New Year's celebration.  Gone are the young and fun couple of New Years 2000 that jammed all night to Widespread Panic in Atlanta and refused to sleep.  Ten years later, and they have been replaced by the 30-something couple that has to wake up the next morning to change the oil in the car, paint window sills, and take dogs on play dates.  

When Dave saw this picture, he said we looked old.  I agree- we still have a picture of us from 2000,  and it will be funny to see the picture on New Year's 2020.  

I enjoyed spending time with some friends that I don't get a chance to see normally.  They are all really good runners too, so it was motivating to spend some time in their company.  
Cayenne and Shelby Angel must have partied too hard last night.  Dave caught them snuggling the afternoon away.  

And for my New Year's Day run, I completed 3 x 10 minutes.  Things are moving along at a slow, but steady pace.  My old running buddy, Gina, has resurfaced from the depths of new-motherhood to train with me again, so it looks like my excuses from 2009 will no longer be available to me and I will have to claim 2010 as my year.   :)


Jan said...

i love the way you described gina. hilarious. i can certainly relate.

runningtwig said...

Good luck with the running!

And one of the girls in your picture is the mom of one of my students! I just told my husband that I'm getting closer and closer to the age of my student's parents!

Anonymous said...

Ye-freaking-es!!!!!!! Well done girl. (by the way you have to show me those 6 pounds, they are where?)

And damn straight twenty ten is DAMIE.

Anonymous said...

Shelby Angel really looks comfy mommy Damie. Three really is no more work than two if you think of it and especially with all the hard work you have put in. Ok I will stop. love you and congrats on your running. Sounds like you are doing better and better everytime I read your post. So keep your head up and look out 2010!!!!!

Love Patty#3

Gina Weathersby said...

Bring on 2010!!! I need to get rid of the last of the baby weight but most of all I miss my friend and all our great talks. We almost had all the world's problems solved. Time to pick up where we left off. Sunday sound good?

Laura said...

Can I sign up? Maybe you and Gina can solve my problems too? Happy New Year!