Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I somehow managed to catch a bug or cold or something from one of you on the internet- concluded by the fact that no one at work is sick, but I have heard grumblings hear and there from a few of you. So, here I am- 7:30 pm- ready for bed- drinking hot tea and honey and going through roll after roll of toilet paper.

As if I have real Kleenex at my house. You know I would never think to spend my money on that when I can blow snot rockets, use my sleeve, etc...

I did have some good mental highlights within the past few days. I read a really good Alan Smith interview this weekend about his sickening, devastating injury from a few years back (which robbed him of his best playing years) and how happy he is to still be playing, even at a lower level. The article gave me a bigger perspective on my measly injury. I would link some of the articles to you guys, but I know none of you care one bit about Alan Smith or premiership soccer. He is cute to look at, though. Soccer guys are my fave.

I also spent 2 hours at PT today (yes, 2...). I have a great PT/friend/fellow triathlete, Ashley, that really helps me use my own knowledge combined with her vast experience to figure things out. Tonight we decided to analyze my run a little bit since I have had some pain the past week and the emergence of other small problems.

We had a few hearty laughs at the fact that my knees were rubbing together when I ran. It could be the now 5 extra pounds I carry, but it is more likely some severe internal rotation from hip weakness. I have so much to focus on right now with strengthening and FORM! Injury + weakness = terrible form ->more injuries. So, we are sticking to super small runs with form focus.

And I wanted to lose those 5 pounds, but I ate pizza tonight instead. Tomorrow.


Jan said...

got your message..sorry that i haven't called back! things have been a bit crazy around here. my dad had open heart surgery and neil almost died. but charlotte is doing well and LOVE your cow toy. it's seriously her favorite to chew on! i'll call you back...in the mean time, feel better and get rest!

runningtwig said...

soccer guys are hot...that is why i married one...albeit a short one!

maybe my daughter sent you her sickness...hope you feel better soon!

Marit C-L said...

Yes...all of my high school crushes were soccer players. :) Feel better asap! Sending you good vibes on that one!

Pizza is a food group and therefore a requirement to eat. Ha!