Friday, November 6, 2009

One Week Out

...And I have upgraded my day to fixing my own food, driving myself to PT, and standing up at candle light vigils for abused animals.  If you have not read about the horrific conditions in Memphis and want to, here is the link.  Warning- graphic, awful picture.  I think I officially hate Memphis now, but I am not sure how New Orleans is any better.  I think I need to move out West and live off of the land, but unfortunately Dave is such a weenie and has to live by a big city lest he become bored.   

So I felt good enough to convince Laura to ditch running with Joy and come protest with me instead.  That is what you do when you are out of shape and can't do anything- you sabotage your friend's workouts too and convince them it is the "off-season".  Oh- she didn't mind.  It was fun!  We felt like hippies in the new century- except I was wearing my triathlon Los Locos jacket.  And, someone asked us if we were with the college, which made my day at 31-years-young!  This morning I found out the shelter director did get fired- great- but what ignorant POS are they going to put in charge now?  I am think I am going to try to throw for the job.  I bet I can learn in 1 month more about running an efficient and humane shelter that all of these bozos could learn in a lifetime.  

But, yes, the knee is doing well.  I am basically moving around just fine with some soreness if I do too much.  I think my knee already feels better than it did before surgery-I am using mental persuasion on myself.  I know the truth on if surgery helped or not will not be realized till a couple of months from now when I try to run.  :)  

But, I was told they extracted a cyst of 10 cm out of my knee/hamstrings.  Since I am a dumb American, I measured 10 cm today just to see what 10cm actually looks like.  I feel so much better knowing I don't have a cell phone in my knee anymore.  

Wait!  Addendum!  I have correctly identified the Nuun tablet holder as being the culprit.  Exactly 10 cm.  2-3 cm width.  Hmmmmm.....maybe that was bothering me a spot.  


runningyankee said...

cheers to putting worthless crappy people out of that. i hope they get eaten by a rogue mountain lion. i did not click on the link as i would most likely burst into tears - as for the electronic device in the knee, well its a good thing since i'm not sure how you would answer should it ring.. have a great weekend!

CBD said...

Yikes. You kept saying 10 cm and I assumed you'd misspoken, intending to say 10 mm. That's...large!

runningtwig said...

what a sad, amusing, and shocking post. "live off the land" - that cracked me up and i've thought about that myself many times. and i can't believe you had a cyst that big! that is insane!

kerrie said...

i'm am so impressed with you going to protest just days after your surgery. I read the link, that's sick and so very sad...

and i can't believe you had a 10cm cyst!!! that's crazy! no wonder you had so much discomfort...heal up quick(yet be patient), i can't even imagine the difference that will make.