Monday, October 12, 2009


Happy :)
My little sister Rebekah got married this weekend to a great guy Jon.  Our family flew out to Vegas and partied with Elvis in celebration of the big event.  

Bekah and Jon making sure their music is in order for the ceremony.  
Damie and Bekah- PRUNE.  I think I am getting the hang of it...just a little more practice....
Damie and Dave at the cermony.  

I am angry- no ANGRY- about my knee. I can't get doctors to call me back- I can't get a straight answer. 
It is crazy because I keep trying to write this post, and all of this angry stuff just keeps coming out and I can't even get it straight.  

I just wrote a huge paragraph- and rewrote it- and rewrote it.  Just forget it.  What I really need is for some good prayers that this is figured out.  This is very important to me and I have worked really hard to heal this knee.  I need less criticism from people that don't even know what is going on with my knee (okay, it is really just one person that is upsetting me) and more positive energy from friends (that would be all of you guys).  

xxxxoooo happy week to all.  
Congratulations to my friends in Kona.  



runningtwig said...

Sending some positive vibes your way...hope you get some answers soon!

GoBigGreen said...

hang in there:)
1) You are beautiful and your pics are awesome!
2) Yea, tough when folks seem a bit judgemental.
3) I wish i could help w/PT advice but you likely know what i know. Keep asking questions is my moto and if it doesnt work then take another path for your medical help.

Anonymous said...

You guys looked beautiful and Vegas sounds like a blast especially for Bekah's wedding. Tell her congrats for me. Hang in there and stay positive. On a happy note, Ella's 1st birthday party is this weekend. Baby girl is getting big. Auntie damie needs to visit. Love you and miss you.

Love, P, aka I had more headers than you did. :)

runningyankee said...

love the dress!! sending some good vibes your way. and hopefully some good and helpful and "make me feel good" answers :) hang in there.

Jennifer Harrison said...

LOVE the dress!!! So cute! Your sis looks super too! I am sorry about the damn knee. What is up...someone has to have connections....if you were here....!!! GUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH