Saturday, September 5, 2009

Time For Week #2!

Here are some more pictures of Shelby Angel.  She is up to 35# now and covering up a few bones.  She still has a longggg way to go, and you would really have to see her in person to see how underweight she is, but she is definitely making progress.  

This first picture of her is my favorite pictures of the day.  She looks so beautiful to me here.  Her eyes are simply amazing, and her coloring is so beautiful.  She is such a pretty dog.  

Here is another picture of the pretty girl enjoying a quiet day in my parent's backyard.  My sister and I snuck Shelby Angel from the vet's boarding house today and took her on a day trip for some relaxation and time with the girls (and papa).  

Damie, Bekah, and Shelby Angel...all smiling!  Every day we get to spend with Shelby Angel brings so much pleasure and joy.  It is as though I found the secret to happiness in life, and it comes packed in this amazing dog.  

Our current big problem- her feet.  Shelby Angel can barely walk.  She is in so much pain and limps so much.  I know it is hard on her because she wants to follow us around everywhere.  This is a picture of her back left foot.  It has a digit that is basically missing with the nail that is cut down to the bone and split in half.  On top of that, there are abscesses.  Ughhh....  poor baby.

This week Shelby Angel will undergo some clipping and draining for her nails and toes.  She will also be getting some x-rays to see if amputations are indicated.  Keep her in your prayers!    
Bekah and I soak her feet several times a week.  We did it again today and watched the puss ooze out of the open sores.  The soaks are painful for Shelby, yet she does not get upset or try to get away.  She has such amazing behavior, she tolerates pain and discomfort for over 30 minutes without so much as a mean look.  It is as though she knows we are trying to help and trusts that we are not trying to hurt her.  What an ANGEL!!!!

I have recently stumbled upon a great website I wanted to share with everyone:  Badrap.  Whether or not you are interested in pit bulls, I think it is a good site for education on the breed.  I had two people at work literally freak out on me last week for even considering saving an abused pit bull mix and letting someone adopt her.  I try not to take things personally, but since I own a pit bull mix- AKA:  Cayenne, well, it didn't sit well with me when they were telling me that I was irresponsible for ever considering putting my family at risk.  They basically wrapped it up by implying that I probably shouldn't ever have kids because my home not safe...I guess I would be an unfit mother because of my choice in dog rescues.  

Well, I guess Cayenne could possibly lick me to death.  Anyone that knows her knows she does not know how to stop kissing.  "Stop kissing me Cayenne"  falls on deaf ears around here.  Last night she woke up a couple of times and just started kissing me.  Come on, Cayenne!  No kisses!       
All I am trying to say is this- form your own opinion...I always believe in that.  However, do it based on education- read more research and valid studies and steer clear of the nightly sensational news.  

As always, thanks for reading my blog, whether it be about training, lack thereof, or animal adventures.  


Courtenay said...

i can't WAIT until i have a lifestyle that will allow me to rescue a dog. and i would love to have a pit bull mix - i've seen that website before, and i've known some awesome pits. they are so smart, athletic, loyal, and generally amazing.

thanks for posting photos and stories about shelby angel's rescue - you are amazing!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Damie, Keep up the good work - you are doing an amazing thing and it is SO rewarding to read about it all. xo

Kembree said...

Wow, she looks sooo much better! I understand the is awful!! That is my little personal goal to show people through my blog how wonderful Pit Bulls ARE! I'm just a normal girl like you and I have 2 wonderful ones that I love very much!! They are totally are big babies! Bad Rap is a wondeful organization, I have a few more on the side of my blog if you want to check them out! :)

Laura said...

Hey girl! Saw your article in the CA. Hope you don't mind that I passed it along to the team... :)

Kembree said...

and please share my blog with your coworkers..

Anonymous said...

The world is better because of acts of loving kindness like you're doing. You'll be blessed for your compassion and generosity. I read your initial list of Shelby's needs but assumed Cindy Wolfe's article likely generated a large response & wanted to ask what she/you currently need. I can drive out tomorrow with what you tell me she needs, or I can ship or overnite. If she has everything she needs, I can gather some toys & some treats from Three Dog Bakery if the vet thinks that would be OK. If you need blankets or another bed, whatever. I can't volunteer to take her, sadly - my husband has believed the hype & we have an aggressive, possessive Lhasa Apso, & she has suffered enough. Email me & let me know what you need. God bless!