Sunday, August 23, 2009

If It Is To Be- It Is Up To Me

The last few weeks have been pretty crazy for me- tumultuous, busy, worrisome, you name it.  Somewhere in the past week I managed to work way too much overtime as a new PT, dog sit, host a baby shower, attend book club without reading the book, rescue a dog, and get no sleep.  Notice I did not say anything about training- that just did not happen...2 miles of running and 2 swims?  Yikes- unhealthy and if you are looking for a training post to read, this will not be it.  

So, my greatest accomplishment this week has also been accompanied by internal and external struggle.  Many of you have already read about new dog rescue adventure on face book, and I will explain it a little more on here.  I definitely look forward to your comments, feedback, and support- I feel like I have been to a really dark place with humanity the past two weeks, and I definitely need some hope and happiness.  

Three weekends ago, our group was riding through Shelby Forest when we spotted a dog up ahead on the road.  We see TONS of dogs here in the south while riding- both stray dogs and dogs with owners....they like to chase our bikes quite a bit.  As we prepared to avoid being chased, we happened to see that the dog was starved, abused, ....and pitiful.  There was no way she was chasing us- she could barely walk.  She was basically walking into the woods to die.  We threw her food and went to the store to get more but could never find her again.  

I spent the next 2 weeks crying, not sleeping, and eventually driving/riding to that area to feed her.  I never saw her again, never knew if she got the food.   With the help of some friends on lookout, she was spotted and alive at a later time.  I could only hope that she was getting the food I had been leaving out- not the raccoons.  

What do I do?  I kept asking God to provide an answer- and a means.  Why did he put this dog in my path, and why did it hurt me so much?  I have really, really struggled.  I received some support from friends and rescuers, but I also received a lot of backlash from family and others.  There is a predominant attitude that "you can't save everything" and "it is not my problem."  At a time when I really needed help and solutions, I got a lot of reasons why I could and should not help.   

The only conclusion I can come to with all of this is that if those people had seen this dog on that day, they may have changed their minds.  While we can't save the world- we are not saviors, martyrs, or anything other than simple people, we can help out individuals.  

Well, after a gazillion phone calls, I finally realized that IF IT IS TO BE, IT IS UP TO ME (my mother-in-law's favorite 2 letter, 10 word phrase).  No one else was going to help this dog.  I borrowed a live trap, and with some help I was able to catch the dog.  (I was not able to catch her by hand...and when you see the pictures you will know why she was so scared). is Shelby Angel.  I don't know much about her yet, but here is what may be true.  She has bad, bad scars around her neck.  Someone has chained her and tethered her.  She is only a year old, but she has probably had multiple litters of puppies. Put this all together get a sweet angel that was probably used to breed puppies for fighting (even though she was not old enough for breeding).  When she couldn't produce any more or did not produce good puppies she may have been used for a bait dog or just completely discarded.  The scars from the chains really tell the horror of it.  The short of it is, this dog has been through hell.  She has been abused in the worst way.  Since she has shown no aggression, we guess that she would not fight and therefore got the worst of it from the people that had her.  Of course, we will never have the real or whole story- and maybe I don't want to know it because it may truly send me off of the edge.    

Right now Shelby Angel is staying at the vet.  I have paid for an examination, meds, boarding, shots, etc.   Right now her job is to just eat, rest, and try to heal.  She has so many infections and injuries- the vet said it is one of the worst cases she has seen.  People in the lobby just started to cry when I brought her in.  (And this is after 2 weeks of food- imagine her 2 weeks ago).  
I am exhausted just writing this post.  The ethical and moral battles I have had in the past week have really eaten me alive.  There is only one thing of which I am certain, though, and it is that I did to the right thing by getting her out of the forest and starving to death.  From here forward, I am just taking it day by day.  She is going to stay at the vet this week, and then we will figure out what her needs are and what kind of home will be best to meet them.  

Many of you have asked me how you can help.  Here is what I think may be helpful to her (Please do not feel obligated in any way to send anything- there has just been such a big response to this and lot of people have wanted ideas to help):
1.  A cute, girl dog collar and leash (hmmmm at least a medium...maybe large? I am guessing she will get at least up to 55 or more pounds depending on how her body responds to the abuse).  
2.  Treats/rawhide...and toys! (she is a puppy and has probably never had a toy!)
3.  Doggie blanket (Kathy bought a doggie bed for Shelby Angel- thanks Kathy!!!!)
4.  Other?  if you think of anything let me know
5.  A future foster or forever home (she is not ready to go home now, but sometime in the near future)- this will be the most important thing someone can do for her
6.  Prayers
7.  Teach your children kindness to all creation
8.  Just being a good friend and listening to all of my craziness as I figure out how to help her! ;)

Several people have asked about sending money.  I will let everyone know if she may need more care than I can provide financially, but right now we are doing okay with paying for her treatment.  If you are just determined to send money, she is at Northgate Animal Hospital and you could put it towards her account.  If you would like to send anything else for her, leave me your email and I will send you my address.  

She is going to be a great dog- someone's very best friend.  She will be the more grateful than you can imagine- indebted to anyone that gives her kindness and love.  We can already tell she has a kind soul- Dave was immediately won over by her and how cute she is.  Thank you everyone for reading.  I appreciate your friendship and support.  Hopefully next week will be more normal and more sleep inviting!


runningyankee said...

you are amazing. and to those who say "its not your problem" or "you cant save them all" just take one look and SEE the differenece you made in one life. I'm SURE that those same haters have been in rough spots (not nearly as rough as this dog) and someone has come along with kind words or a shoulder or something else. i admire you so much and want to tell all those people that they dont have to do the helping but dont POO on those who do. hugs to both you and ALL of your lucky dogs!

Damie said...

Thanks! I agree- it is not everyone's turn or place to help at this moment....and just some positive words are helpful too. I think we all help in our own little ways. :)

GoBigGreen said...

Oh ........Damie.......
juprma at aol dot com

send me your address....

Rebecca DeWire said...

You are an animal angel! I am so impressed that you were able to find this dog again and then catch her. My husband and I have soft spots in our hearts for dogs and have 3 rescue dogs from the shelter. I could not imagine how difficult it must be to save this angel of a dog and know the horrible treatment she was exposed to. Congratulations on following your heart and doing the right thing.

Kembree said...

I will pass this along to some of my animal rescue people. Thank you for saving her life!!!!

Laura said...

Remember Damie, you can't save all the starfish, but it matters to that one! Hang in there girlfriend and you KNOW I am here for you. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello! Someone sent me your blog, as I am an animal lover myself and tend to want to rescue all the dogs in need. You did the right thing, I always say it's one animal at a time. Both of the dogs I own are rescues. I am going to pass this around to the group of animal supporters I know. But I would also like to send a toy or something for Shelby Angel. Can you send your mailing address to me at The only other thing I can say is THANK YOU for what you are doing, I wish there were more people like you in the world.

Woodrow, Luna, MJ Campanella said...

We will keep you in our prayers - and send this out to all our adopter to see if any of them are interested in her

Woodrow - Sweetie - MJ

Marit C-L said...

Damie: you are incredible, a true gift. I agree with what Laura said - you can't save every starfish..but the one that you throw back to the sea. I think about that often.

Don't pay any attention to people who tell you that you can't/won't make a difference. To this puppy - you already have.

You are just amazing, absolutely fantastic...I hope you realize that. I am sending all my love and well wishes to you AND your puppies, especially this one :)

Unknown said...

hey buddy good job. warning: saving lives gets addictive!

pit bulls never seem to lose their faith in humans no matter what humans have put them through.

unfortunately, humans just don't seem to learn from that though.

thanks for saving her. you'll never forget, and neither will she!

Unknown said...

I didn't read it all but what I did read almost made me cry...keep up doing good work and don't lose heart.

By the way, can I subscribe to your blog?

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to tell you how much your story means to me. I have stopped and fed countless stray dogs,and even rescued some,only to hear the same thing you said about you cant save the world..But my response is,if everyone had that attitude,nothing would ever be war would be won,no inventions made,no disease cured...what kind of attitude is that anyway?!Thanks for what you did,you just changed the world!:)

Jennifer Harrison said...

OH BOY. I do not have dogs or EVER had any animal, but I do not approve of any bad treatment of anyone or any animal. this post is so touching, damie. AMAZING. While we don't have regular dog interactions, I always tell my kids to be NICE to animals JUST like you want to be treated by your friends/other adults. I sure hope they grow up with the same love you have! You did something SOOO very amazing, good for you!

Life comes in full circles.

kerrie said...

damie - you are truly a special person and i am moved by your kind and generous spirit. there are people who say they want to make a difference, but you are one of those people that makes it happen!!! thank you for that :)

Nicole said...

I promise this will be up there with the greatest experiences in your life! The decision to save a dog's life suddenly becomes so clear, doesn't it?! Your gut instinct was that 'this dog' was not just a wild stray or part of a random pack of dogs - she needed you and you felt that and most importantly - you acted on it. You'll never be the same, and luckily, she won't either. :~) Please continue to update us on her progress and what you need from the Memphis community to help you two. And thank you Damie!!!

aly said...

You are a truly inspiring and amazing person. I love your attitude, "make it happen" and now "if it is to be it is up to me". What amazing words to live by and I am thankful to know you to have that constant reminder! No wonder I hadn't heard from you all week?!! :)

Laurie said...

wow, you are truly inspiring! I know Shelby is so grateful that you took her in. I wish you both the best in everything!

Laurie said...

PS- A quote I carry in my wallet: Saving one pet won't change the world, but surely the world will change for that one pet. (unknown)

Anonymous said...

Damie, it is to early in the morning for me to be crying at work. I love you and your determination to find this sweet puppy. I would only hope that I would do the same thing if I were in your shoes, Trae would probably divorce me if I bring another dog home but he would survive. Please let me know if I can do anything to help you, especially financially or emotionally. Give Shelby Angel a hug and kiss. Keep up all your wonderful kindness. I love you and miss you. Patty

Nancy said...

Such a touching story, a beautiful dog and you are a wonderful person. I called the vet, put $100 towards the bill. I hope this helps.

Mackenzie said...

You are the kind of human I strive to be!

Anonymous said...

reading your rescue story about this dog brought back memories. I've been involved in DeSoto Animal Rescue Society for several years. I'm so glad you did what you did and that there are people who care about animals. I have cried many a tear over animals that came across my path, most that I was able to help. Others that ran from me when I tried to help. You will be blessed many times over.

Maria and Nate said...

What you have done is truly amazing. I will keep my ears open if I know of anyone who wants to adopt a dog. You will be blessed for what you've done!

Anne-Marie said...

I linked to your blog through Laura's recent post and had to leave a note to say that I think you did an amazing, wonderful and inspiring thing! I had tears in my eyes when I finished reading this, and I can't imagine the horrors and inhumanity this poor dog experienced. She is so lucky that you saw her on your ride and didn't give up hope on finding her and helping her. The world really needs more kind-hearted people like you! :)

Marni Sumbal, MS, RD said...

your post has me in tears. I am a big dog (animal) lover and love helping animals. I can't believe how bad your angel looked but now she is so healthy and happy! Keep loving her the best possible..rescue dogs know they are rescued and they will thank you every day!!