Wednesday, August 5, 2009

I have had some requests for knee updates.  Thanks for asking ;)

We are doing okay around here.  I remain hopeful that I will be running by the fall.  I am still able to attempt some small runs, and I have had a more pain free ones lately.  I ran my first 4 miles (holy crud it was so slow and hard) early this week since March 15.  Yea!  Seriously, though, it is amazing how out of shape the body can get after close to 5 months.  It is like it has just stopped working!  Everything is still low key- about 2 runs per week at 2-3 miles if everything is pain free.  I am hoping in a couple of weeks I may be able to do a little more.  

Since mid-June, I have backed off of the bike.  I just ride about 2 times per week now, easy pace and fun.  I am making sure I am not adding any hidden stress to my knee while it is really trying to recover.  I opted to not do any road racing with the M&B girls this year until I make a full recovery.  I have, however, been a good spectator.
So that leaves swimming- yesterday was a day from hell.  I would like to personally thank everyone that did not show up to lunch time master's, as I had Sam's attention all to myself.  Lucky me. Following a big warm-up, I had to do a 500 for time.  He was not satisfied that it was my absolute fastest (hello....I am out of shape...cut me some slack!!!!), so I got to follow up the 500 with 10x 50 at a faster pace than the 500 with 5 seconds rest, followed by 10 x 50 with an even faster pace with ten seconds rest.  (I swear he said 5 seconds rest, but every time I got to the wall, all I heard him say was 3...2...1...-  what happened to the 5?)  

I lost count of all laps.  I quit triathlon somewhere in the middle of a 50.  And, I decided I hated Michael Phelps by the time it was over for making it seem so easy.  Lucky for me, I had to go to work and he couldn't make me do anymore.  And I couldn't raise my arms above my head to wash my hair in the shower I was that tired.  And pros do twice that as a main set and eat it for breakfast.  I don't get it.  I told Dave, and he said it was good- that I needed my butt kicked like that since I can't run.  Thanks, I guess.  Despite all of this torture, I am still a slow swimmer.  But I can agree that I am not as slow as I was in 2006 or 2007.  So....I have made progress.  

With my free time (not much of it with studying and working) I am still doing Bikram, working on my pull-ups (did 3 on my very own Tues night) and living vicariously through my athletic friends.  The boards are right around the corner- I have the date locked in...


kerrie said...

you'll get there soon and the fitness WILL come back! although it sucks, i think you are being smart about the may need to invest in a new wardrobe though for those new super studly swimmer's shoulders you are going to be building :)

CBD said...

When & where is this lunch-time master's?

I might be interested since I'm not getting in much swimming lately..

Bookie-Roo said...

yay to good knees and pull ups!!! on the bar, not the pee pee kind...he he

runningtwig said...

Glad you are feeling better...I'm trying to trail run every weekend. I know what you mean about running those trails alone. The only one I run alone is the tour, all the other ones I run with my broinlaw!