Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Blues

I have not been able to find that abused and starved pit bull that we saw this past weekend on our bike ride.  I have made two trips to Shelby Forest (with food and fresh water) and I have enlisted the help of Hearts of Gold Pit Rescue who has tried to find her too.  

We are going back out there tomorrow to attempt to find and rescue her one more time.  I am so scared she is dead, and so mad at myself for not thinking out a better plan to save her when we first encountered her.  It really has been burning a hole in my heart this whole week- I haven't been able to sleep thinking about it.  

If you happen to ride out by Shelby Forest and see a brown/tan female pit that is so starved you can see every bone and she can barely walk- as well as a mangled face from abuse- please, please message me.  Better yet, call me immediately.  (last seen corner of Ramsey/Island Forty).  We want to try to rescue to poor girl.  

On that note:
Spay and neuter your pets, please. 
Write a letter to the NFL Commissioner if you agree that Mike Vick should not have another chance- just like the dogs he tortured, fought, and killed.  Be the voice of change, and be a protector for those that need our protection.
Comm. Roger Goodell
c/o National Football League
280 Park AvenueNew York, NY 10017

And give your dogs, kitties, and other pets a hug, kiss, and treat.  


runningyankee said...

oh damie that breaks my heart thinking of that poor dog out there. cheers to you for trying to save her. hopefully she gets to know some kindness before her life is over. i hate that vick is back in teh nfl. i heard rumors today that the eagles signed him. i can only hope that the public outcry in and around philly is enough to make them think twice about it.

GoBigGreen said...

Oh I am so sorry. Keep faith that the dog is at peace if she/ he has passed, and if not perhaps someone else has taken she/he in. Vick is a waste of time. I Wont even write about it further. ick.

Marit C-L said...

I am so sorry Damie - I know that you have so much love and passion for animals. THANK YOU for trying to save her - I wish that more people in the world had a kind heart like yours. While hearing about abused and neglected animals makes me really sad... I am grateful that there are wonderful people like you.

Anonymous said...


You are out of your mind. I think everyone deserves a 2nd change. They are just dogs.

Damie said...

A second change? How about some spelling lessons. And don't leave messages if you are such a coward you are "anonymous".