Monday, July 27, 2009

Wakin' Up!

No matter how many times I have set an early alarm to wake up, it never seems to get any easier.  I have done hundreds of 5:30am master's swims...but now that I have taken a couple of months off from the early workouts, I just can't imagine how I used to do it!

Now that I am officially employed, if I want to fit a few training sessions in, I will have to get my butt up.  

To kick start my morning workouts, I eased into swimming by meeting Alyson at 6:30 (not 5:30- we needed to easeeeee our way into this).  Of course I hit snooze a couple of times, and by the time I got to the pool I just kind of stared into it.  After a few laps with no Alyson, I realized she probably meant the downtown Y and I hadn't been paying attention.  

After 1800 pathetic yards by myself, Alyson showed up.  (She had set her alarm, but forgot to turn it on).  I was so happy to have her there, because waking up that early is much better with a friend.  I managed to get in 3400- the longest I have done in months.  

And now I remember what it feels like to do a long swim in the a.m.   I am pooped.  And now I have to really get up a lot earlier.  I am calling all friends for motivation and coffee club.    

A quote Alyson sent to me today...a good one ;)
Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; but remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for. 
Epicurus (341 BC - 270 BC)  


Samantha said...

But don't you feel so refreshed once the workout is done and you get to work knowing you've already gotten tons done for the day?!!!

Thanks for thinking of me. I'm doing better this week. I will have me cell up and running when I'm in Nashvegas this week since it won't be roaming during that time so I will give you a jingle and we can catch up!!!

...and I think I've gone weak out here. 80 feels stupid hot.

runningtwig said...

We are headed back to Stanky this weekend...just email or blog me when you want to go.

Also, about soccer, have you ever thought about coaching?

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

I am just now looking at the Mighty Mite results. Congrats! You did great, as always! Can you tell how crazy my life is if it's taken me this long to look at the results?
Hope you're doing well. Let me know when you schedule that exam so I can say a prayer for you. You're going to do great, I have no doubt.