Monday, July 13, 2009

News #2

Meant to add this pic and forgot, so sorry for the edit.  Look at cute little Cayenne!  We have been calling her our little flower.  This is her collar (that doesn't work) to help her stop licking a wound on her leg.  And when she can't get to it (and she can almost always get to it), Rooney licks it for her.  Talk about teamwork.  

Okay, and drumroll please....

We are staying in Memphis.  The opportunities to make a quick move from Memphis to New Orleans after my graduation did not pan out.  Rather than fight to sell the house, find a place to live in New Orleans, and search for 2 new jobs carte blanche, Dave and I decided to stay here a little longer and make a better plan.  So Memphis, you have me for a little while yet.  

Oh, and I landed a job.  That would be news #3?  I will be working at a skilled nursing facility, and I am excited.  Most PTs shy away from this kind of work- they want ortho or sports patients.  This is on the other end of the spectrum with patient care.  I will be working to help mostly elderly patients return home or to some other form of care.  I think it will be rewarding and I will learn a lot.  I wanted to further my medical education and work with other allied health professionals out of school before narrowing my scope of practice.  

So, yea me.  I will be bringing home a paycheck soon!

But don't worry, New Orleans, you are still on are radar.  We are working our way back to you!


Jan said...

i'm so happy for you and happy for me since you're staying in memphis for a little while longer! congrats on the job. how's the studying coming along?

Laura said...

Yay for a new job!!! When do you start? I'm super excited you are staying here, but whenever you move back to New Orleans you can count on a few visits from me!

runningtwig said...

Congrats on the job and it sounds like a great one. Before I decided to be a teacher I was in OT school and did an internship in a place like that and loved it!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the new job! That's awesome! I know you will be great at it!

I'm so glad you're staying here! I need help with my dismount! HE HE HE!

kerrie said...

congrats on the news - a job is good news right now!!! moving is overrated anyway!