Saturday, July 18, 2009

A Fun End To My Tri Season- Mighty Mite RR

It is 5:00pm, and I have just decided to fix myself a cup of coffee.  I think I deserve it.  (plus I am a little drained from the beer + sun from today).  

My season has officially ended (again) as of today.  After some consideration over the past few weeks, I decided to go ahead and participate in the Mighty Mite triathlon (short sprint) this weekend and then end the season that never really started.  

What a fine looking bunch of kids!  Los Locos at the awards.  

Today was a great day.  
Lucia- 2nd overall, an amazingly fast chick- but in desperate need of a sperm helmet
Lisa- 7th overall, 1st AG.  She also gave away my half of a luna bar and left me with nothing to eat, but I forgave her after she let me eat her M&Ms.
Laura- 1st AG and good swim!
Kevin- 1st AG-thanks for the draft/ride post race 
Hawaii Steve- 1st AG and beer provider to moochers like me
Andrew- not sure how to explain the 1st OA with a broken wrist in a cast
Jarred-3rdOA with his usual fast self- and testing out a brand new bike like me!  Just wait till J and I get dialed in to our bikes!  hee hee!
Pam Green-3rd AG 
Suzy-2nd AG and a first time finish for her sister
John/Cuz-3rdAG (where did you go?  didn't see you post race!)

And my RR:

4:15am wake-up- WTF?  Thank goodness for Hawaii Steve- excellent company and chauffeur.  

Swim:  1/3 of a mile- or whatever the actually distance was.  It was a TT start (not my favorite- I love the wave starts), so I swam alone the whole way.  It didn't feel like a great swim, but it was good enough.  Luckily, my swim is saving me this year, as I had the 3rd female time or something like that- and 1st in my AG.  

Everyone thinks that I am swimming better because I can't run so I am swimming more.  The opposite is true.  I am doing 1/2 of the weekly yardage I was doing in the past 2 years.  My swimming just happens to be more purposeful now, and I think that has made all of the difference.  

One more quick thing on the swim- great job Gilmour Girl- 1st AG swim, I am proud!

T1:  uneventful

Bike:  It was a beautiful day to ride.  We had great temps and a nice tailwind.  Today was the beginning of my journey with my new bike.  I have ridden it only 3 times, and at first I was planning to ride the road bike since I really know how to work it in a race.  But, I had to think of my long term goals- and those include becoming BFF with the new bike.  So, I had to leave my security blanket (Big Blue the road bike) at home, and try something new.  I had to be brave!!!!  

My new bike is wonderful.  It is comfortable and fun to ride.  I have not had a chance to ride the bike with any sort of speed, so it was fun to try it out.  It definitely feels different- comfortable, just unfamiliar- but it is going to be a great fit with some time.  

I was passed by one guy within the first 1/2 mile out of the swim, then I did a lot of passing for a while.  Then I heard a happy voice behind me- it was Hawaii Steve! Dern!  He started behind me in the swim and I did not expect him to catch me so quickly.  I  kept him within my sights for a few miles and made it my goal to stay within reach, but being the fantastic cyclist that he is, it wasn't long before I couldn't see him anymore.  I didn't let anyone else pass me after that.  And next time I am going to put a stick in Hawaii Steve's wheels as he rides by to slow him up a bit.  :)

My final bike split...eek.  I have been riding at the top for bike splits recently, and today I wasn't even in the top 3 of my AG!  I guess it just wasn't my day?  Is the declining fitness catching up to me?  I think so!  I just spoke with a fellow triathlete on the phone that said she saw my bike split, and it was not a good one for me or indicative of me as a cyclist- and she was right.  Well, gotta let the bike split go.  I am grateful that I enjoyed my first race on my new bike, tested out my new pedal system and new shoes, and got a feel for my new fit and position.  

T2:  Lucia kindly drew me a pair of feet with sandals + my name right in front of my space on the rack.  It put a smile on my face in T2.  Thank goodness I wasn't on her rack, where she wrote AARP in big chalk letter for her and Hawaii Steve to locate their bikes.  Of course Lucia is only 32....

Run:  Today I was able to complete the 3 mile run (actually more like 2.9- sorry to burst anyone's bubble) at a 7:10 pace (which I guess is really a 7:22 pace or so).  Around mile 1 I had to stop as my knee cracked, buckled and I tripped.  I was running lopsided and it was ugly.  I was not in horrible pain, it was just so bothersome and weak.  At the end of the race, I could not bend my knee and I got ice on it right away.  

Since I have only averaged 4 miles per week in the past 4 months (no I did not make that number up, it is straight from the training log), I can't ask for anything else from my run.  I think I have done a great job with no miles and no speedwork.  I feel positive and happy, and I know once I get healthy my run will come back.  

Today was a great day- I love my team, Los Locos- awesome people and triathletes.  From carpooling to the race, to forcing Laura to run to the bus STRAIGHT after she crossed the finish line, to riding the LL train back to the cars, to drinking beers...Los Locos knows how to have fun at a race.  

Post Race- Beer

Happy Second Off-Season to me.  I will keep you guys updated on the knee progress- we are going to get it right this time.  My goal is to be running by the fall.  (fingers crossed!!!!)


GoBigGreen said...

That sounds really fun! Sprints are great, they hurt but are over so fast you kinda want a do-over!
Enjoy the next off season:)

Anonymous said...

Way to fight it out girl! I can't even run that pace when i'm healthy!!!

Laura said...

Thanks for the props Damie! I was actually 2nd in the swim in my age group, and I won't mention that my time was a minute and a half slower than the last time I did this race because you really can't compare races! ;)

I must say, I was dreading that race, but I had so much fun and I'm so glad I participated! ;)

Jan said...

wow, you did fantastic! way to stick it out and run so fast with no training. i'm impressed!