Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Update Part 1

This weekend I decided to go to Little Rock to watch my 11 year old cousin, Anna, play in the district softball tournament. This is a pretty big deal and the state qualifier. Dave opted to stay home...I think because I have been talking so much lately he wanted some peace and quiet- no joke.

I am not a huge softball fan. I played the sport 2 or 3 years in grade school and found it very boring- probably because I was no good at it. But, Anna is VERY good at it. I am going to sound just like an over exaggerating family member when I say this, but she is the AMAZING! Have you even seen someone with true talent for their sport? It is really rare- and I am not talking about good players that are athletic or work hard. I am talking about talent. Anna has talent. The whole community knows her and the kids can't hit off of her.

So, here are some picture of Anna, pitching for her team the Bomb Squad. She struck so many girls out it was unreal. She throws around 48 mph fast pitch- and she is barely 11. She is accurate and competitive.

I couldn't really get her full pitch because I don't have a high speed camera- so I could only get the beginning and end. These are pictures from the 2/3 game of the day.

The Bomb Squad made it to the district finals. Anna was the pitcher for the finals, and it was the most intense game I have ever seen. My blood pressure was through the roof! Anna was striking out the other team left and right, but her team couldn't get on base either. Both pitchers were playing awesome. Finally, in the last inning with 2 outs, Anna hit a triple to right field. The next girl hit a single to bring home a run for the win. I have never enjoyed watching girls softball so much. The Bomb Squad won their district.

The game ended at midnight- which didn't leave me much time to sleep before my triathlon on Sunday. Yup! I figured while I was in Arkansas, might as well do CATS sprint triathlon. Race report to come in the weekend update part 2.

Aren't these girls the cutest!!!!


Marit C-L said...

Congratulations to Anna! I know what you mean - it is WONDERFUL to watch someone who is naturally talented excel at what they do. They make it look effortless (but we KNOW they work their butts off), fun, and transcend beyond anything we thing possible. Did you see the video clip of Ryan Hall before The Boston Marathon? It's about 7 or 8 minutes long, but speaks about this... Just incredible. Can't wait to read the RR!

runningyankee said...

the bomb squad. love it! she is a little machine!

hope your tri went well.

Laura said...

Awesome!!! So glad they won!

Can't wait for your RR.