Thursday, June 11, 2009


Overall life is really good and things are going great. But when it comes to the knee, I feel frustrated and mad.

I have talked to an ortho doc and a sports med doc. I have x-rays and and MRI. I have had a cortisone shot to the medial side. I received one crappy knee brace. I didn't run for 60 days. I spent the next 15 or so trying things out to see if I could return to running.

The options that were given to me were
1. as usual, stop running, as in forever
2. Synvisc for temporary relief, and I am not looking for temporary relief
3. Surgery for a microfracture to basically traumatize my bone by poking more holes in it and hoping hyaline cartilage will replace some of the articular cartilage that has fractured off

So, I went to see a PT that is a great runner and a respected professional. We worked out a strengthening plan for me to give myself a chance to beat this thing with no surgery. We decided that running 2 times a week for no more than around 2 miles would be okay for the next 2 months to check on progress - stop with pain. We talked about returning to wearing inserts- but have not done that yet (I am not a huge fan of corrective orthotics- just my opinion but there is research on this topic too- so I will use it as a last resort.) We thought up one more brace to try just to see if it could alleviate some symptoms while I am getting over this.

So, I am being a good girl. I am not running any more than I should. I am doing all of the strengthening- including keeping track of it to be honest. When my knee feels horrible- I don't run. I stay on soft surfaces, good shoes, yada yada- we all know the drill.

Today just felt so frustrating. The knee brace helps with some symptoms on my right/bad knee, but wouldn't you know that today my left knee was bothering me as well. So I was taking the brace on and off, trying to get in 2 miles and just felt horrible the whole time. I kept stopping, walking, changing, stretching, etc... Seriously? Now my left knee has to act up? Am I now compensating so much that I am just injuring the other side?

It doesn't seem to matter how much time I take off or how easy I go, my knee just will not heal. My whole body seems to be fighting me. When will that day come where I can really run again? What do I need to do to get over this? Will I ever have a healthy knee again?

Why do my knees hate me? What am I doing wrong? I am putting baby miles on them, at most. I quit soccer- the number one sport of my life. I am working on getting a new bike and different pedals if they would just cut me a little slack.


I am taking my knees to Florida next week. They better come back happy and relaxed after a vacation.


Marit C-L said...

Oh Damie - I am so sorry. You are doing nothing wrong, nothing at all. Sometimes our bodies just do things we don't understand. I'm just really sorry - I'm thinking of you... I know how hard it can be... Keep your head up though - explore all the options (even the orthotics...even if you don't like the principle of them). It sounds like your running PT has some good strengthening ideas - keep up with that.

Good vibes and hugs your way -

kerrie said...

ugh, so sorry that you are still dealing with this after being such a "good girl". it sounds like you have a good team working with you, and you are so motivated, i am sure that you will find some kind of answer and get back on track!!!
keeping my fingers crossed for you :)

Anonymous said...

damie!!! ahh you did so well today- you gotta write a blog post about that. I mean, come on, we won the relay by, what, 10 minutes? You KILLED the swim, even if that's not your specialty!! have fun in florida

p.s. You know this injury won't become chronic. Don't be too hard on yourself

-alex bransford