Sunday, June 28, 2009


D + is the grade I give myself for the past couple of weeks.  I have done a lousy job of handling stress, and I am writing a new book of lame excuses that I am using daily.  Unacceptable!  

I have so many changes and unknowns in my life right now- valid reasons for stress.  I must pass the PT Boards to get licensed so I can work.  I have to get a job to help support my family. I knew I would be facing these challenges as soon as I graduated.  I don't think I expected to have to choose between Memphis and New Orleans so soon...and it is not really MY choice, it is OUR choice.  Tough stuff.  

I don't think the long layoff from running has helped my attitude any either.  

Anyways, I have let the stress of choices and change push into my life.  What I forgot to recognize is that although choices bring some stress, they are a GIFT!  What a gift to be able to take a test, to search for a job, and consider a move.  Not everyone gets these chances. 

Dave and I spent most of our weekend together to talk and be a team, since we have some big team decisions to make.  Friday night we grilled out- Dave made turkey burgers and squash for me.  Saturday I opted to do a very short ride on Saturday and spend the rest of the day with Dave.  We worked on the pool, ate Mexican and drank margaritas, and had movie night at home.  Sunday we worked on the pool more, worked in the yard, watched the US almost pull off a Brazil upset, and played co-ed soccer together (well, he played and I mostly watched).  I know right now we have to be really strong and supportive of each other to make the right decisions.  

I can't wait for the day when I can run out my front door to relieve some stress.  I hope that day is around the corner!

Fortunately I have 2 GREAT buddies that remind me that kindness and doing things with zest and happiness are the keys to life.  There is no problem that can't be solved with a few extra kisses and a tummy rub.  

Two good thoughts for the week:

"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got."

"It is hard to beat someone that won't give up."

1 comment:

Laura said...

Glad to hear you and Dave had some good time over the weekend. And just think, if/when you do move to N.O. you will have at least one visitor! ;)