Monday, June 29, 2009

Pissing Contests and Other Fun Stuff

There have been some fun things going on lately that needed a little shout out.  

This past weekend, I rode with Laura, Angie and Suzy.  Angie needed to do 4 hours, but since my #1 goal was to spend time with Dave over the weekend, I opted for the 2 hour plan.  Suzy, Laura, and I did one loop to cheer Angie on, and then left her out to dry and do her last loop alone.  Does it make us good friends that we did 1 loop with her or bad friends that we didn't do both?  I can't answer that one.  

At the end of our 1 loop, Suzy and I had what she calls a "pissing contest."  It is where you are not racing your friend, but you are not giving up any ground to her either.  Suzy and I were chugging up hills with our wheels trading off inches.  We both knew what was going on- the pissing contest- but neither of us said a word.  We just let the pace creep up and up until we got to the top of one hill and just started giggling and laughing.  I think Angie and Laura were like WTF are they doing?  I think it takes a special meeting of the minds to have fun little moments like that in a training ride where you are pushing each other and making it fun too.  Hilarious that we both knew what was going on but acted like nothing was going on.  Even funnier that we both can admit that we were engaged in a "pissing contest."  

My other fun moment is my new 50 yard PR that I just set at swim class.  The coach said I might even get fast if I learned any sort of technique, and he estimated I swam about 55 yards instead of 50.  I just ignored those comments- I mean, hey- technique, scmechnique.  Us non-swimmers don't even know what technique is.  Today he had us practice 12 x 25 underwater dolphin kicks (or whatever you call them, like I know) at 3 x our normal off of the wall amount.  I thought to myself- well if I normally do ZERO since I don't even know how to do them, then 3 x 0 = 0, right?  Hee hee ;)

Okay, okay.  Back to studying.  This was my mid-afternoon break for the day.  

Sunday, June 28, 2009


D + is the grade I give myself for the past couple of weeks.  I have done a lousy job of handling stress, and I am writing a new book of lame excuses that I am using daily.  Unacceptable!  

I have so many changes and unknowns in my life right now- valid reasons for stress.  I must pass the PT Boards to get licensed so I can work.  I have to get a job to help support my family. I knew I would be facing these challenges as soon as I graduated.  I don't think I expected to have to choose between Memphis and New Orleans so soon...and it is not really MY choice, it is OUR choice.  Tough stuff.  

I don't think the long layoff from running has helped my attitude any either.  

Anyways, I have let the stress of choices and change push into my life.  What I forgot to recognize is that although choices bring some stress, they are a GIFT!  What a gift to be able to take a test, to search for a job, and consider a move.  Not everyone gets these chances. 

Dave and I spent most of our weekend together to talk and be a team, since we have some big team decisions to make.  Friday night we grilled out- Dave made turkey burgers and squash for me.  Saturday I opted to do a very short ride on Saturday and spend the rest of the day with Dave.  We worked on the pool, ate Mexican and drank margaritas, and had movie night at home.  Sunday we worked on the pool more, worked in the yard, watched the US almost pull off a Brazil upset, and played co-ed soccer together (well, he played and I mostly watched).  I know right now we have to be really strong and supportive of each other to make the right decisions.  

I can't wait for the day when I can run out my front door to relieve some stress.  I hope that day is around the corner!

Fortunately I have 2 GREAT buddies that remind me that kindness and doing things with zest and happiness are the keys to life.  There is no problem that can't be solved with a few extra kisses and a tummy rub.  

Two good thoughts for the week:

"If you always do what you have always done, you will always get what you have always got."

"It is hard to beat someone that won't give up."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Wednesday To Do's

This list is actually short- I think I can accomplish my to-do's today.  

To Do List For Wednesday:
1.  Go on pain free, short run.  
2.  Get on Dave Ramsey Show.
3.  Share a lane with Miles at master's swim.
4.  Call Jan and make lunch date for later this week :)
5.  Go see my new bike at Outdoors and decide on components and bars.
6.  Lock myself in public library study room to study for the boards.  

So far I have accomplished the first 4 items.  Yes, I will be on the Dave Ramsey show tonight.  You can also catch it in two weeks on when they upload it on the internet.  I was literally in the middle of master's swim class when Dave called me.  I jumped out of the water in the middle of the set to ask Dave my question!  

okay, off to complete # 5 and #6...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Return From Vacay

Yes, I spent way too much time in front of the computer today.  I have complete love/hate with Ironman online.  It is so fun to watch everyone, but then I spend hours in front of the computer waiting for my friends, and I don't want to multitask and accidentally miss them!  It really does take up your whole day.  

HELLOOOOO Kerrie and Marit!  You were the studs of the day and my inspiration to keep at it.  I completely wasted my study time watching out for both of you to finish- and I saw you both!!!!  Huge smiles on your faces- what a great day!!!!

I am back in Memphis.  No more vacay for me- I have come back to random stressors that were not here when I left, but I know I will figure out a way to deal with them and take care of it all. We always find a way, don't we?  

I am happy to say that today was my first pain free run in over 3 months.  I took off another 2 weeks after CATS, and today I did a very easy run.  I didn't have any pain and made it through almost three miles.  

Then, I heard and felt consecutive pops.  And thought, oh shit.  

There was no pain, though.  So in my mind, I was hoping that I just broke some adhesions in my knee up.  I jogged a few more minutes and it happened again, so I stopped.  But, again, no pain, so that is good news.  

I am hoping this is the first step to recovery, as this was truly my first run in 97 days to feel okay.  Maybe it was something about getting through the 3 month mark of recovery...  I will not go gung-ho and start running again.  I am still going slow- easy- and conservative.  I won't run again until Wednesday, and I think I will continue with the 2 x week run if possible.  

I have a lot on my plate right now- passing my PT Boards, finding a job, and paying back burdensome student loans.  These things have become my priorities and deserve my focus.  I am back from vacation, so it is time to make these things happen!!!!

Didn't the vacation look fun?  I wonder how I can make my "real life" resemble this...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Every year my other family, my in-law side, rent condos on Navarre beach with some of their best friends and family. It is the very definition of vacation- we do nothing but hang out at the beach. By that, I mean we don't even go out to eat or go shopping. Every day we roll out of bed, go to the beach when we feel like it, and nap when we feel like it. There is no judgement if you decide to make your first gin and tonic at 10:00 am. Throughout the week, each family takes a turn making dinner for everyone, and it ends up being so much better than going out to eat and more relaxing. This is a do-nothing vacation.

My mornings start out great. For some reason, I cannot seem to get up before 9:00. I stumble into the kitchen and there is always good coffee and great breakfast waiting for me. If only life were like this at home!

Then I put on my bike gear. In the past four days, I have ridden 148 miles. It may not seem very vacation-like, but I am loving it. I don't have to go. I can go to the beach instead. But, every morning I look forward to getting on my bike and riding. If I stay on the beach, I ride straight into a headwind for 20 miles. I am also riding in complete heat since I can't seem to get moving before 11:00. The wind and heat have not been bothering me, though, and my bike and I are having so much fun riding for no reason.

I have NOT been running. Nope. I have only run 1 x since that CATS sprint, and it didn't feel good. So, I guess I am going on running sabbatical, again. No big deal. So, the running legs are on vacay too. A real vacay- they don't have to feel guilty for not working.

I did try to swim in the ocean yesterday. There have been shark sightings, so of course I freaked myself out. I made Dave paddleboard beside me while I tried to swim in the shallow, rolling waves. I did not get a workout, I just got nauseous. And Dave was bored, so that was that. He was also probably questioning his decision to marry me, as no other husband had to participate in any form of exercise that did not include biceps strengthening via beer can.

I usually head to the beach after my ride and pretend to study. I am not learning too much, though, and it may have been a little ambitious to think I would do some great studying on the beach. I finished one fun book called Stardust earlier this week, and I am trying not to pick another book up because then I really won't study!

Otherwise, life has been pretty uneventful on vacation. Dave has gone deep sea fishing and golfing. (I was not invited to fish because he said it was boy's trip. Then three other girls went and so you know I let him have it).

Let's see...what else have we been doing? We have watched LSU kick butt in the collegiate world series. We also played Jenga- and set a new record as we were able to stack the pieces until there were no weight bearing pieces left to remove. There is also a stupid puzzle on the table the we work on from time to time, but it is taking forever.

I am not allowed to publish beach pictures- Dave saw me post one and required immediate removal secondary to his complete whiteness.

And that is it! Vacay is slowing coming to a close, but I have another good day of nothingness left. I am tremendously missing Roo, Caya, and Presley, though. I had nightmares last night that something was trying to hurt my animals and I couldn't help them. I have complete mom guilt right now being away from them for so long. It is getting close to time to return home.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Dragon Fly Triathlon

I am acting strangely. I admit to myself that my own behavior has become bizarre and weird. I entered the Dragon Fly relay this past weekend and put myself down as the swimmer. ? Why not, I have never been a swimmer in a relay before- probably because I am not a fast swimmer and do not bring an advantage to a team.

I pulled another really good swim out of my wahoo this weekend, so maybe after all of this time I am learning how to swim. I was near the top for for females instead of middle to bottom. There really aren't many details to share. I swam aggressively and then ran up to T1. It was really weird not getting on a bike...a little boring actually. It was like my fun had ended and everyone else's has started.

Alex Bransford, short girl in the middle, and David Lacek
Here is my relay team. Or should I say David Lacek's relay team? Alex and I would like to think that David needed us. I think I can out swim David, so that makes my participation necessary, I think. ??? We got 1st in the mixed relay, and the only disappointment of the day was that Jarred beat us overall. I bet he cheated.

Our Los Locos group at Dragon Fly- everyone had a great day. Angie also won BOUS for Mississippi. Yea Angie!!!

And I will leave you all with my current view for now and will send very important vacation updates later.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Overall life is really good and things are going great. But when it comes to the knee, I feel frustrated and mad.

I have talked to an ortho doc and a sports med doc. I have x-rays and and MRI. I have had a cortisone shot to the medial side. I received one crappy knee brace. I didn't run for 60 days. I spent the next 15 or so trying things out to see if I could return to running.

The options that were given to me were
1. as usual, stop running, as in forever
2. Synvisc for temporary relief, and I am not looking for temporary relief
3. Surgery for a microfracture to basically traumatize my bone by poking more holes in it and hoping hyaline cartilage will replace some of the articular cartilage that has fractured off

So, I went to see a PT that is a great runner and a respected professional. We worked out a strengthening plan for me to give myself a chance to beat this thing with no surgery. We decided that running 2 times a week for no more than around 2 miles would be okay for the next 2 months to check on progress - stop with pain. We talked about returning to wearing inserts- but have not done that yet (I am not a huge fan of corrective orthotics- just my opinion but there is research on this topic too- so I will use it as a last resort.) We thought up one more brace to try just to see if it could alleviate some symptoms while I am getting over this.

So, I am being a good girl. I am not running any more than I should. I am doing all of the strengthening- including keeping track of it to be honest. When my knee feels horrible- I don't run. I stay on soft surfaces, good shoes, yada yada- we all know the drill.

Today just felt so frustrating. The knee brace helps with some symptoms on my right/bad knee, but wouldn't you know that today my left knee was bothering me as well. So I was taking the brace on and off, trying to get in 2 miles and just felt horrible the whole time. I kept stopping, walking, changing, stretching, etc... Seriously? Now my left knee has to act up? Am I now compensating so much that I am just injuring the other side?

It doesn't seem to matter how much time I take off or how easy I go, my knee just will not heal. My whole body seems to be fighting me. When will that day come where I can really run again? What do I need to do to get over this? Will I ever have a healthy knee again?

Why do my knees hate me? What am I doing wrong? I am putting baby miles on them, at most. I quit soccer- the number one sport of my life. I am working on getting a new bike and different pedals if they would just cut me a little slack.


I am taking my knees to Florida next week. They better come back happy and relaxed after a vacation.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Weekend Update #2- Conway CATS Race Report

Choose the correct answer:
1. If you don't have any expectations you may do well.
2. Lining up front and pretending you're a good swimmer is a good race tactic.
3. Eating wedding cake for dinner and watching softball till midnight the night before a race is a good way to prepare.
4. Starbucks skinny vanilla latte, Taco Bell mexican pizza with no meat, and a fudge round are appropriate post-race foods to replace the minimal calories you expended in a sprint triathlon

I made a last minute decision, as in 2.5 days before the race, to enter a sprint in Arkansas. I figured since I would already be in Arkansas, I might at well fit this in too. I did CATS in 2006 and really enjoyed it. (I must be regressing as a triathlete because I am seeking out the races I did when I first started). I looked at the clock and online registration was supposed to be closed, but somehow it let me register anyways. It was meant to be, I guess :)

I went to the race all by my lonesome, which was weird. I didn't even know anyone there. So, I made one goal, and only one goal for the race. MAKE ONE FRIEND. I didn't even have a performance goal. Well, maybe it was just to enjoy the day.

I have battled with the decision to enter races. This was my second triathlon of the year, but with my injury, I really have to question if it is smart and what I am getting out of it. I have decided that doing 3-4 small races with runs no longer than 3 miles this year will be fine. It will limit the damage physically and give me the opportunity to participate in triathlon without sitting out a whole year. I don't really care that I can't improve or become a better triathlete this year, I just want to participate.

So, here we go. I hardly got a warm up in, as usual. 10 minutes on the bike, which is way better than the 0 minutes I got 3 weeks ago. 1 minute on the run to make sure the shoes were okay, and I really didn't want to do anymore running than I needed to. About 50 yards of swimming to make sure the goggles were okay. And then it was time to line up.

SWIM: The announcer made it very clear that it was NOT a good idea to line up front and center if you are not a good swimmer. He said this about 5 times before my wave went. I don't know what came over me, but I did something I NEVER do. I went straight to the front and center instead of my normal 3 rows back. Yup-right smack front and center like I owned it.

The swim was wetsuit legal- 500 yards in Beaverfork Lake. I was totally aggressive from the start. I just swam hard and found feet in the first 100 yards. I drafted for a bit and by the first buoy I was hitting her feet a ton- and felt terrible about it. How annoying must that be? I pulled to her side after the buoy and was on my own from there. I was swimming hard and looking up to find red caps to see if I could catch up to women, but I didn't see any. I saw tons of men around, but no red caps. Great, I thought. I got stuck in the middle group again-the fast women are so far ahead I don't even see them.

HELL FROZE OVER: because I think I came out of the water 2nd female. No, I haven't learned how to swim. I either pulled something really great out of my you know what, or no one in this field could swim either.

T1: I ran really hard up the hill to the transition area, but otherwise it was uneventful. Total hustle.

Bike: When I warmed up, it seemed there was a headwind going out. But, as I started the race, I didn't really feel anything. I was passing tons of guys and enjoying their cheers as I rode past. Seriously, this race was so friendly. All of the guys gave me tons of compliments and kept encouraging me to ride harder. When I got close to the turnaround, I saw the girl in first place coming back. I had it in my mind to catch her, but I never did. I had a faster bike split, but just barely, and it wasn't enough to catch her. I think I had a pretty good bike, but I did notice that there was a period or two where I slowed down just from lack of focus.

T2: uneventful again, but it was cool to see only 1 other bike in the female section. I really do like triathlons where everyone starts together instead of TT starts.

Run: Well, I had the same attitude that I did a couple of weeks ago. I am now able to run about 4 miles TOTAL a week at snail's pace just to see how the knee is doing. Still NO RUN TRAINING. So, I just told myself-seriously I said this in my head: "be prepared to be passed, and make it your job to cheer those ladies on. Walk if there is true knee pain" This run was advertised as a 3+ mile run, at least that is what they said at the beginning of the race. I haven't run 3 miles since March 15, so I just knew this would suck.

For those of you who have done CATS in the past, the run course has changed dramatically. The first half mile or so is cross country style- which is fun, but hard. Spectators were yelling at me that the 1st place girl was just a little ways up and telling me I could catch her. I just smiled- little did they know I COULD NOT catch her, but thanks for having such faith in me! During the first mile I was already feeling my most out of shape ever. My knee was bothering me, but was not painful. I felt like I had thunder thighs- which I do from not running. I didn't feel smooth- didn't feel like a runner- and felt incredibly out of shape. I was wondering how my cellulite looked as I was running. Seriously. I felt like an elephant plodding along.

We moved to the road with some hills. There were not any mile markers posted, and I hate that. But, I saw a mile marker on the asphalt, and I hoped that it was accurate. As I neared the turnaround which seemed to be around 1.5 miles, I saw the first place girl. I mean girl, too, as she was 17 and apparently on the junior national team- as she deserves to be because she was running SOOOOOO smooth and fast. And she is 17- no cellulite, no thunder thighs.

So whatever, I am trying to cheer people on, but I am so out of shape I can't really talk. No waving to the camera for me like I used to do. I get around the turnaround and see about 4 girls behind me. So, I know I am getting ready to be passed on the way back. A mile later and I have not been passed. WTF??? We hit the cross country section again and I keep turning around looking to see when I am going to get passed. I NEVER turn around in a race- it is a sign of fear. Well, I didn't care because I knew I was dying- and I am sure everyone else could tell too so I kept looking over my shoulder anyways.

So, I am dying and so happy the run is over. I get to the transition area- and I am sure that I have run over 3 miles, but OH NO- the run doesn't stop. They send us around transition, another quarter + mile around this field cross country style, and then back around to the finish. The whole time I am swearing not to race again until I can actually run in training. I am always bargaining at the end.

I manage to finish 2nd OA female. The girls never did catch me on the run, so I guess I faked them out at the turn around and I looked like I was cruising. If they had only known...

And then I still hadn't met my goal for the race of making a friend. So, I introduced myself to one of the ladies that I saw at the turnaround that was running so well. She came in 4th place, and I recognized her name from other races. She was so nice and I was glad I made an effort to meet someone new. We talked for a while and it helped me to not feel so lonely at the race.

Then I drove home and got all of those post- race goodies. I guess I momentarily forgot how fat I felt during the race.

Anyhoo- it is just status quo here. I will continue to rest my knee with 1-2 runs during the week for only 1-2 miles just to see where I am. I am doing all of my PT exercises in my attempt to avoid surgery, because that is the next step.

This weekend I am going to relay Dragon Fly and be the weak link as the swimmer. What has come over me? Since when did I volunteer to swim? And I promise no more racing until Mighty Mite. My goal is to try to be pain free by Mighty Mite. Maybe pain free with a little less thunder on my thighs.

Weekend Update Part 1

This weekend I decided to go to Little Rock to watch my 11 year old cousin, Anna, play in the district softball tournament. This is a pretty big deal and the state qualifier. Dave opted to stay home...I think because I have been talking so much lately he wanted some peace and quiet- no joke.

I am not a huge softball fan. I played the sport 2 or 3 years in grade school and found it very boring- probably because I was no good at it. But, Anna is VERY good at it. I am going to sound just like an over exaggerating family member when I say this, but she is the AMAZING! Have you even seen someone with true talent for their sport? It is really rare- and I am not talking about good players that are athletic or work hard. I am talking about talent. Anna has talent. The whole community knows her and the kids can't hit off of her.

So, here are some picture of Anna, pitching for her team the Bomb Squad. She struck so many girls out it was unreal. She throws around 48 mph fast pitch- and she is barely 11. She is accurate and competitive.

I couldn't really get her full pitch because I don't have a high speed camera- so I could only get the beginning and end. These are pictures from the 2/3 game of the day.

The Bomb Squad made it to the district finals. Anna was the pitcher for the finals, and it was the most intense game I have ever seen. My blood pressure was through the roof! Anna was striking out the other team left and right, but her team couldn't get on base either. Both pitchers were playing awesome. Finally, in the last inning with 2 outs, Anna hit a triple to right field. The next girl hit a single to bring home a run for the win. I have never enjoyed watching girls softball so much. The Bomb Squad won their district.

The game ended at midnight- which didn't leave me much time to sleep before my triathlon on Sunday. Yup! I figured while I was in Arkansas, might as well do CATS sprint triathlon. Race report to come in the weekend update part 2.

Aren't these girls the cutest!!!!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Back to Swim Practice

Today I went to swim class (I haven't attended class in forever and have just been swimming solo). Well, it is loosely called swim class since there were only 2 of us there (3 if you count Steve who forgot his swim trunks). It feels a lot like training alone, again, but the workouts are killer so that is good. After warming up about 600, we did some descending intervals and sprints. The coach got on to me for coasting in to the wall after the intervals, and after he threatened to make me do them over I started taking that last stroke. Then he called out the main set- but I swear with the way I was working I thought I had just done the main set. Nope, 12 x 150. Steady 1-3 just make the interval, 4-6 build by 50, 7-9 descend, 10-12 fastest intervals of the day.

I swim a ton by myself, but there is something about swimming with others or having a coach right there to push you that extra bit. I was dreading the 12x150, but I was able to do them with focus and did in fact produce my best 150s at the end.

I also got the big shocker that coach thinks I am a pacer. Which I am. (meaning I usually choose the pace, even for the hard intervals, that I know I can make consistently, rather than try to blow myself out). I sometimes think I am blowing myself out, but he pointed out that if I can hold the same pace and descend time and time again, I am in fact not blowing myself out. Fine- busted.

I blame it on the years of soccer. The 90 minutes of playing non-stop at center mid-field. My whole life has been about pacing so I could cover the whole field for the whole game. I was never afforded the luxury of sprinting till I couldn't run anymore- and then just standing there and doing nothing- like the forwards (no offense to you guys that played forward, but you know it is true).

Okay- I need to get back to studying. Maybe I will write about the knee later this week. Still as frustrated as ever, and I do have the doctor and PT reports to share with you.