Wednesday, May 6, 2009


May/June is a good rival to November/December in the busy department. On my schedule for the next 4ish weeks:
7 more days of clinical rotation
Christy/Jindy's wedding
Mother's Day
Volunteer Memphis in May
GJCC Tri with Bek
Damie's Graduation
Brandi's wedding
Erin's wedding
Jan's shower
Papa's birthday
Italian Festival
Robert's Family Beach Trip

and I think that is it. I think. Anyone have anything else going on? Did I forget anything?

I am currently enjoying a glass of wine while catching up with emails, blogs, and such. I wholeheartedly plan on doing the Peddler ride in the morning and have to make sure I don't let one glass become two...

Tonight I had the pleasure of swimming with Conner Townsend from my team Los Locos. He offered to share a lane with me. Lucky me :) Kind of... Since he does his 100s on my 75s... He was the first person I remember ever seeing finish first in the swim portion at a race and being in awe. I probably gave him the funniest look when he turned to me and asked if I was ready to do the main set. Who does a main set with a real swimmer? Again, my 75s to his 100s. :) Then he totally threw out the challenge- "well Alyson Capote can do it." I am not sure where that came from and it completely made me laugh so he roped me in to his workout. The best, though, were the great coaching tips. He gave me so many good pointers- he was worried he was overwhelming me and I wanted more! (and he is now at home probably wondering how such a terrible swimmer like me ever makes it through a triathlon.)

Speaking of Alyson.... good thing she can be talked into just about anything. (the problem with that is she gets talked into everything and therefor may have to back out of one of her many commitments! If you know Alyson you are smiling right now because you know it is true). This week I convinced her to do Cycle for Safety even though she was hungover. Then I found a way to get her to the pool at the crack of dawn Monday in freezing water. She has conveniently gone out of town for the rest of the week, on purpose, I suspect.

My other friends are MIA. Or I am MIA. I can't tell the difference. I am not sure what Joy and Laura are doing these days. I suspect they are doing the things that I used to do...track, Wed night rides, swimming with Rob, the fun stuff.... From the looks of their blogs, Joy is loving to run and Laura is hitting the margaritas. Casey skipped the ride on Tuesday with a sinus infection, and I may just use that same excuse for not having read the book for book club next Wednesday, b/c I honestly have not even started the book. Jan is busy being preggers and staying safe- and probably just wishing I would stay injured and get pregnant ;) Gina is probably thinking the same thing. I am sure Nancy has done an Ironman already this week.

At least Charlie is back on his bike. I feel like the world is starting to regain some normalcy again.

Okay, if I play any more on the computer it will take away from sleepy time.

Again, just 7 more days until I am done with my very last clinical rotation....


Laura said...

Hahaha. No, I'm MIA. I think I broke up with triathlon this week - too much else going on in Life. Have a good weekend Damie!

Jennifer Harrison said...

Phew, this is tiring, but hang in there, Damie......It has been a rocky road, but hang tight! This too shall pass. :)

Joy said...

I'm here, I'm here! I have been off the blogs most of this week, but excited to read your updates! Good to see you this morning. Things will be normal again soon, when you start running again. :)

CBD said...

5:00 came all too early this morning and that necessary brake adjustment just wasn't going to happen by a sleepy head in time to get dropped by the roadies.

It was good to see you riding so strong Tuesday. I never saw any clipping-in problems - totally PRO from my perspective.

Jan said...

i'm the MIA one? last i checked, i called you on sunday for dinner and didn't hear back, silly! hope these last few days of clinicals are going well. it's a busy time of year!!! i'll be out of town from sun-fri. i'd love to see you before then!

Mel said...

YOu are a busy person....but you are strong and will keep on chucking along:) hugs

Lee said...

So maybe I get to see you and all of my Guppies this weekend. I'm going to be one of the guards for the MIM swim portion. Joy, Laura, Damie, Gayle,Charlie,Nanc..oh well, you all know knew you are..I miss ya'll so much. Damie, proud to see you have a life outside being a tri! You go girl!! ;-)