Sunday, April 5, 2009

Too Much!

I have way too much to blog about today. That is a good thing- I like my life to be full!

First, I have so many congratulations to offer. Marit had a wonderful comeback race. I am so excited for her to be healthy and happily competing again. Earning a Kona spot first race back is not too shabby either. Next on the excitement list is Maggi!!!! Hello!!!! First overall amateur at NOLA 70.3!!!  If the secret is having three young kids, running around like crazy to get everyone to school and after school activities, getting yourself to work and punching the time clock, and somehow training around that...sign me up for the Maggi plan!  Lesley Brainard- nice comback! A 70.3 success after a year of a torn hip labrum injury...and still is smoking fast and coming out of the water with the pros. Christy B...nice run- another success after a year of injuries including a broken pelvis! Not a bad way to start the wedding festivities to come. :) Heather are accumulating a nice resume of half and full IMs!

First timers!!!!!! Sarah Corrigan- sub 6...I knew you could do it...piece of cake! Cindy, my hero...I am so proud of you...great job all around. Myrna- the bravest kid I know picking a half IM for their very first triathlon ever. You rock!

I wondered if it was weird to follow races online. But, as Dave watched Man U win today on TV, I realized that what we were doing was one and the same. We were both watching a sport that we enjoy and cheering for a favorite players. So, zero weirdness in my mind. Following triathlons online is fun! (FYI, Dave is not a Man U fan...he wanted them to lose for Liverpool's sake. I have to put that in because he would be upset if anyone confused him with a Man U fan.)

On my end, I have spend the weekend drinking margaritas for my sister's birthday, convincing Dave to aqua jog with me (and I am not going to tell you what I had to use as leverage for that one), taking the dogs to the dog park for some water fun, riding 60 miles with Angie because I am a sucker, and getting some Mulligan technique work done on my knee by Casey and Mark because they love me.  I am still sad to say I can't run yet- I continue to be hopeful....but three minutes is about my limit right now.  

Roo, in position for the ball. I am not exaggerating when I say that is all he lives for. He didn't notice any of the other 75 dogs out there today. He wouldn't even take a treat. He just focuses on the ball- always. I really have to get him in some agility competitions.

Cayenne and Rooney at the end of the day. We played so hard!

Rooney leading the way to the ball with Cayenne trying to keep up. There is no way competitive Roo will let Caya get to the ball first, though.


Marit C-L said...

Keep your head in the game with the running! It WILL come along - seriously the bike fit. That probably has a huge part to play... Thanks for the good vibes and congrats on the race - I was just SO happy to be out there... The slot was beyond what I had imagined. Icing on the cake (and we all know how much I love cake! :) Thanks Damie!

Jan said...

i'm right there with ya on the no running thing. it's such a bummer on beautiful days! that's when i want to go running the most. at least it will be cold the next two days so i won't be too upset about missing.

Laura said...

Love the pics of the doggies. So fun!! See you soon?

Eileen Swanson said...

Super cute pics Damie! Love how Roo is super competitive too ;-) Just like Belle!

Mel said...

I am with ya on the knee thing sista...I took all winter off and still am have troubles off and on..and i know it is frustrating and it stinks when you really can not pin point of what went wrong!!! BUT you know screw it I am tired of hobbling around and the pain will just make us stronger...I have a half Ironman June that knee better shut up and just take the beating right?? ha..hugs and hang in there!!!