Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Fast Mouthful

I hate that I am not posting as much lately or getting to read blogs. I didn't really get home tonight until past 9, so there you have it.

I think my mom feels really guilty that she did not get me an Easter basket this year (she read my facebook status). So, I anticipate some candy coming my way :)

I ran 20 minutes today, even though I wasn't supposed to. I have been going insane and am horribly depressed. I don't want to wake up to work out, which is the only time I can go. So, when I did finally get home from work I went for a run. Forget the knee pain, my brain felt better. I was booking it too! I figured, if this is the only time I can run in the month of April, let's make it a run! I saw Brian W. while running, and I think I started to cry in front of him from pain, sadness, and craziness- but I didn't want to scare him off so I think I held it in check okay. I swear he is a great friend and I don't know how he tolerates all of his crazy, hormonal female friends. He signed up for the NYC marathon lottery too- so fingers crossed that we both get in and I am healthy enough for a big marathon push in the fall.

Dave and I then went out for dinner...I sincerely needed to get out of the house. So, dinner + wine= well, crying in the restaurant! I am laughing at it because the waiter brought me free ice cream. Ha ha! You have to laugh at that.

All of this crying is the direct result of PMS. If you have a girlfriend or wife, you know I am not telling a lie.

Seriously, though, everything is okay. I am missing running like crazy- wondering when I will get to train for a race again. I have just 4.3 weeks left of my clinical rotations...and the weeks could not be any longer. So much going on- I am crazily pressed for time.

There is also the bike issue...more on that later, but there may need to be a bike change for me. That will be a whole other adventure, and one I don't have time to sort out now, so I will think on that one next week and give you guys some more details.

Meet with radiologist tomorrow to compare MRIs. I am sending positive vibes to my knee for something other than crappy news.

Ummm...Bek and I are going to dinner for her birthday tomorrow. It will be 13 days overdue- a little unacceptable, but we will make the best of it.

I finished the Kite Runner last week (fantastic must read for all) and now I am reading Dead Until Dark.

Will catch up more later. Thanks to everyone that has written- new and old friends.


Lee said...

Wish I had just a little of your positive spirit! I know you felt tons better after running. Sure do know about that hormone thing! Crying is good especially when it comes with free ice cream..(the name of that place please?)Hee! ;-)

Take care Damie!!!!!!!

runningyankee said...

BREATHE!! wow i can just see you going a mile a minute from reading that. i'm sending good vibes to your knee too for a good report card :) hmm and on the crying thing.. i was on the trainer sunday night and cried at clearwater 70.3 race... ridiculous...love that your's resulted in free dessert. fantastic!!!!

Jan said...

oh damie, i'm so glad that you got ice cream and wine and a good cry in! a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!

Marit C-L said...

YEah, you've gotta love a waiter who brings you free ice cream. :) I'm so sorry that you're going through this - I know its not easy. Just hang in there...tackle things one by one. And its TOTALLY NORMAL AND OKAY to have crappy days and feel depressed. It just shows that you're human, and than you love running. Good vibes to you AND the knee. I'm curious about the bike issues and keeping my fingers crossed on that one...

Hugs from me (and a lot of House Monsters) to you!

Laura said...

Let me know if you ever need an ice cream or wine buddy! I'm always up for that challenge!!