Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Day 22 Updated Knee

My life is not about training. It is not about my knee, or running, or triathlons, or exercise. My blog tends to be because I originally set this blog up to journal my training for Ironman Florida. But, I think my life gets lost in translation at times with the blog. Yes, I am going to talk about my knee and running...later on. But, I am a person with a real life that has nothing to do with training most of the time.
  • I am drinking vodka and orange juice right now. Because I can.
  • I read 123 pages of the Kite Runner today sitting in the doctor's office. I love a good book.
  • I threw the ball with Rooney today and let the dogs snuggle on the couch with me before Dave the enforcer got home.
  • I just bought 2 bags of candy- jelly belly and spice drops. Then the girl at the check-out counter told me she was on a diet. I felt like the biggest fatty, but proceeded to open both of them when I got home anyways.
  • I did not exercise today.
  • I have talked to my dad, mom, and sister today. I think more than once for each.
  • I am already out of phone minutes because I gab so much on the phone to friends- and I still have 12 days till the new period rolls over.
  • I wrote about Down Syndrome and Cystic Fibrosis today. I also did a 3 month follow up evaluation with premature twins.
  • I ate dinner and watched goal recaps of the Championship League games with Dave.
  • I am listening to and recommend Carter Burwell.
I say this all to let you know that in the span of a day, I do much more than train. I work, love, plot, grow, hurt, think, and wonder. I sometimes feel my personality may hide under the race reports and training days. I don't train because I am addicted or have nothing else in my life. Running, soccer, triathlons, racing, training...I enjoy it. I choose to make it a bigger part of my day than maybe the next person....or smaller, depending on who the next person is. For me, my life is not about work. It is not about school or degrees. It is not about trying to be smart, cute, thin, wealthy, charismatic, or accomplished. It is about having a great day with great people, wherever that may be for me.

So the knee.

Vocabulary words from the radiologist today during our 20 minute phone conversation about my MRI: OCD, bone bruising... bone edema...cartilage injury...fragmented..white on TT imaging ...spurs...osteophytes... Baker's cysts...articular margin...tibial plateau...anterior compartment... lateral compartment...chrondomalacia...divet subchondral...

I am not taking any of this lightly, especially since the radiologist got straight off of the phone with me and called my dad. Everyone is pretty concerned. They cannot find any one thing that is causing me medial pain, but what they can find is a really bad problem with my lateral condyle...the exact same one that I destroyed 4 years ago. (Recap- the injury that put me on crutches non weight bearing for three months with another full year of no running and a complete ruination of my soccer life. that injury). But now there is some more extensive damage in the anterior compartment, tibial plateau, and patella. Throw in a gazillion bone spurs, osteophytes, and multiple Baker's cysts, and... I think the doctor was going to cry when he gave me the report he was so concerned. While any number of these things are benign, OCD lesions with bone bruising, edema, and fragmentation are not.

Did I tell you I did the whole Florida Ironman pain free? Every single bit of training- pain free. (besides the mental anguish of the trainer on the track + 800 intervals). Thank you again, Jen Harrison. :)

Today I got a short-term solution for pain, a cortisone shot. I also had a good handful of listening ears today. I am going to bring in my 3 sets of MRIs from 2005 and we are going to compare them to this new MRI to see if there has been more degeneration and how much concern we need to have.

Long-term, we are going to look at a 10 year, 20 year, 50 year plan for me. The docs are going to consult about the damage and decide what to do next. Because that is really what this is about. I want to be a healthy person for the rest of my life. Never mind the jellybeans and spice drops.

It is humorous, though, to think that they still can't figure out why I am having pain in the medial joint line of my knee. And to be honest, I can't figure it out either. Maybe the cortisone will figure it out, though :)

And, my spirits are up. I am a busy girl with a clinical rotation to finish, a bachelorette party to attend in Nola (whoo hoo Christy!), and some candy to eat. I also plan on beating this injury just like I do every single other one. So everyone HTFU and have a great week. :)


moremittenz said...

it is refreshing to see that at least someone has a life outside of training! (and bosco's.)

Laura said...

Wow! I don't know what all that means about your knee (and I'm in an orthopedics field) but get better soon! Remember, S&N makes a lot of great products for active people - of course not until year 50 of your plan! :)

Love the 'other' part of your post. You are such a wonderful fun cheerful person Damie and I am blessed to call you my friend. XO's!

Marit C-L said...

Oh Damie - I'm so sorry about the MRI and knee. I think the hard part must be not knowing how this happened, not necessarily the current diagnosis. All I can say is to hang in there, and have faith - you WILL get better, you WILL heal, and you WILL be able to run! Yes, I totally agree that you have other things in your life that are just as important, if not more...but I know that you want to do things that make you happy... I'm thinking of you, sending you as many good vibes as I can. Just hang in there... every day is ONE DAY CLOSER to recovery!

PS - check-out people who give you feedback about your food selection should (kindly) keep their moth shut :) I swear, I was guilt-tripped by an older woman who saw me buying swedish fish AND a cadburry cream egg. NOT the package - just one egg. (small sigh). ha!

kerrie said...

vodka and orange! my kind of girl!!! glad to see that you are keeping busy cause that definitely helps us to deal with all the crap(well, and a little vodka never hurt either!!)

CBD said...

Yikes. I certainly hope this gets figured out and you find what you can do happily. Maybe you'll just have to take it easy and train exclusively for Ironman from now on? ;-)

Keep your spirits up!

Jennifer Harrison said...

UGH, hang in there, Damie! I know this is NO FUN and sucks badly, but it will pass and you will be ok. Make sure you are keeping up your strength/functional stuff and those knee ligaments/tendos. :)

Mira (Ivanovich) Lelovic said...

That is crazy! How can your knee sound that bad in an MRI report and you did the whole IM and training pain-free? I'm betting the report is worse than the knee. Hang in there. At least you are about to be in the right profession to get lots of good help! Are you counting down the weeks/days until graduation? You should be! That will put a big SMILE on your face!

Samantha said...

mmm...I love jelly bellies. what flavor?

Get better soon!!! MIM is coming up. I'm sad I won't be there this year.