Sunday, March 8, 2009

Under Construction

Okay...bear with me as I try to update this blogspot. Dave has been bugging me to change the layout for almost a year- as I am not even really into pink. He thought my old layout was not representative of me at all. Of course I can't find anything I am just dying to have as a background, and here I go again with pastels. (Am I getting soft as I get older or what?) I am generally a blue and red sort of girl. Blue is my favorite color- red to race in- lime green is supposed to be my power color, etc.... Oh well, at least this is a change and eventually I will find the background that fits me best. At least I have stepped away from the pink....

Until then, I will have to piece this whole dern thing together again, and it has been a little more time consuming than I realized. It is kind of a pain to re-list everything.....


Anonymous said...

The layout looks great! Love the picture! You look awesome!

kerrie said...

it's looking good. i like your new picture!!!! i'm still seeing pink though ;)

Damie said...

ughhh,...I know!!!! after I wrote the post I realized all of the letters were in pink!!!! It is as if nothing changed at all!

Joy said...

I like it! And you just can't quite get away from that pink, can you? :) Looks really good!

runningyankee said...

wow! i didnt recognize your blog at all. fantastic!

Mel said...

IM Liking it; ) and the title photo is awesome!!!!