Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rebelman RR?

So, the plan was to drive to Oxford Sunday and do one of the following:

a. Swim like a shark then ride like a maniac. Maggi was going to be stationed at T2 ready to tackle me if I had some stupid idea like trying to run (because I can't trying would have been silly). She was going to walk me to turn in my chip, and voila- a training day. This would be a PDNF or planned DNF.

b. Swim like a shark then ride like a maniac. Forget the PDNF, no one likes those. Leave T2 and walk the entire 5k so I could wear the t-shirt in the goody bag.

Neither one of these happened. I have been sick for the past 2.5 days, and I am sure this will be normal for a while as I am doing a pediatric rotation and don't have my immunity built up quite yet. Saturday night I knew things weren't too good when I couldn't stand at Bekah and Jon's engagement party without getting sick to my stomach.

Sunday morning, at 4am, I had to make a game time decision since I was still feeling sick. I am not good at sitting out or choosing to stay home. I woke Dave up, which he loves at 4am, to get his advice. He decided that if I needed to get an opinion then I definitely needed to stay home, because if I was ready to go, there is no way I would be sitting around asking him for advice. I took some more medicine and went back to sleep, content with my smart decision to heal my body.

Needless to say, the cry fest began when I woke up.  I cried because I couldn't do the race. I cried when I saw the results- knowing I would have done well were I healthy. I cried when I talked to my friend on the phone. I cried when I saw a friend in the gym and they asked about my knee.  

I realize that this is part of the injury process, and I am going to have days where I do not feel in control.  I am sure being sick on top of being injured didn't help me feel too great either.  This morning my boss asked me to please stay home so I would not come to the NICU sick.  She was absolutely right, because even though I thought I might be okay, 14 hours of sleep later and I still had a body ache (that is not remotely exercise related :)....hopefully I am on the up and up from here.   

Huge thanks to the following friends that were there for me this weekend:
  • Dave- I don't need to explain this one.
  • Alyson- for listening, understanding, and just being there for me.  As busy as you have been, I know you understand the frustrations of training sabotage. :)  
  • Gina- for giving me permission to expect more from medical care without feeling like a whiner.
  • Nancy- for giving me a hug when I start crying randomly in the locker room and reminding me that it seriously could be worse.
  • Marit- aka: BTCY (blogger triathlete counselor of the year)- for being an empathetic listener, reminding me to be kind to myself and my injury, subjecting her family to an hour of our injury conversation in the car, and helping me think about the bike equation in this mess. 


Laura said...

I think you made the right decision. Vent to me anytime! :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Girl!!! I'm glad you made the decision not to race and let yourself heal. I know the frustration you feel. Last year i had to sit out Memphis in May! Cause i had a stupid cold!

Hang in there. You are a great athlete, and you will get through all this.

runningyankee said...

sucks being sick. sucks even more when you miss a race. but trust me you would have done more harm than good if you would have gone out there. (i know nothing that you want to hear!) keep your head up and take care of yourself and that knee!