Friday, March 6, 2009

I HEART my friends!

This is just a little post that is dedicated to my girlfriends- specifically my girlfriends that are also my training partners.  I have a good handful of different friends that fit this category...chances are if you are reading this the post it about you!

We are alike in so many ways.  We are mostly high achievers and set big standards for ourselves.  I was just laughing with Alyson about how we are all pretty type A, and I bet we all did really well in school (well, except I tried to throw the bell curve on that one this last go-around).        

The great thing though is I have girlfriends that are just super charming, cute, smart, fantastic, witty, and....just frickin' great.  Dave is jealous, seriously.  He is jealous that he doesn't have friends as cool and amazing as mine are.  And my girlfriends are amazing at 5:30am swims and 10:30pm beers.  (again, I try to throw the bell curve on this one as I am the mawmaw... I am not very amazing at 10:30 in my pj's).  

We carry those same high expectations with us with sports too.   We just expect a lot out of ourselves.  Sometimes I hear my friends (and myself too!) get down on themselves or doubt themselves.  There is no place for me to chastise- I think I am the worst.  But, what I want to let all of my girlfriends know that you are awesome!  You are awesome athletes and I admire you.  I admire the balance my friends pursue as they juggle work, love, family, triathlon, and personal growth.  

And my girlfriends are fast.  Sometimes they don't see it- especially in the middle of the training rut.  But, it is there.  The beginning of the season always brings out the doubts- I am out of shape, I am slow, I haven't trained enough.  It is the same every year.  But, as the first races of the year start to roll around, I look forward to seeing all of my girlfriends kick some butt, reach some personal goals, and be their bad-ass selves.  

And it makes me feel good about myself because they are my friends.  

Kisses and hugs to happy March training and the beginning of the race season!   


Eileen Swanson said...

Friends are awesome! Great post! SO true, we all doubt ourselves this time of year most. It's scary to go into our first races and not know how we're going to do, BUT we should believe in ourselves......

Anonymous said...

i am so happy that you consider me one of the girls :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a sweet post! Thank you for that Damie. Whenever i am stressing about my running, or just triathlon training in general,you always build me back up!!!

Laura said...

Awww, thanks Damie! I probably needed to read this at about 9:10 on Saturday, but now is as good as ever. You're an awesome amazing girlfriend too! :)